Letter #4

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"Happy?" Rob, Luke's manager asked, as they both sat in the studio

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Happy?" Rob, Luke's manager asked, as they both sat in the studio. Luke was staring deeply ahead of him, unsure of what to say to Rob. Luke's mind was all over the place, and he was still struggling to figure out what he wanted his latest single to sound like. The lyrics were written, he had no trouble with that, but the sound just wasn't coming to him.

"I don't like it." Luke shook his head before rubbing his face with his hands, conflicted. Rob sighed, unsure of how to help the boy. He had seen Luke go through a lot of break ups and this was no different; his mind was elsewhere and he could never finish anything. Rob knew that Luke was talented and capable of anything, but he also knew that Luke was a very emotional person and so things like break ups always set him back. "Let's go again."

"Luke, this is the fifth take we've done." Rob responded, gesturing for the others to exit the room so that they could talk in private. "Maybe this just isn't the song."

"No– it definitely is." Luke murmured. "I just don't know about the melody. It'll come to me."

Rob huffed. "Do you want my honest opinion?"

Luke shrugged. He liked Rob, if he didn't then there would be an issue with him being his manager and all, but Rob tended to tell Luke what to do a lot. Like didn't like that. Luke cared about music and only music– if something wasn't perfect he worked on it until it was because putting out music that wasn't him, wasn't an option.

"I think you should take a break." He said, making Luke look at him in surprise. He had been in the industry for almost six years now, and never once had he taken a break, especially at Rob's request. He was always working– it was the only thing he really knew.

"I guess I could take a few days off." Luke said.

"No, Luke." Rob said. "An indefinite break. Hiatus."

"Are you serious?"

"I don't think you're in the right mental state to be making music. You're not concentrating and you haven't put anything out in months. People are worried, Luke." Rob said, sadness in his voice. He had watched Luke grow over the past six years and hated seeing him this way, but he knew this was the right thing for Luke.

Luke ribbed his face with his hands. "You're not going to let me say no are you?"

"I just think this is what's best." Luke groaned and rolled his eyes, not quite believing that he had basically just had his career taken away from him for god knows how long. Music was the only thing that was keeping Luke going, and now he didn't have that either. "Just take time to get back to being yourself. Relax, go on vacation, visit the family. You'll thank me for it one day."

And with that, Rob left Luke in the studio.


Luke arrived back at his apartment that night already half drunk. Thankfully, Michael was out with his girlfriend and wouldn't be home, leaving Luke alone with free reign of the liquor cabinet. He immediately headed to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of bourbon, twisting off the cap and taking a big sip. Alcohol seemed to be the only escape for Luke, other than music, but after tonight's events, it was all he had left. Despite Luke being a fairly optimistic person, he had his downfalls, as everyone did. As Luke was about to head to the couch, he spotted an envelope on the kitchen counter.

He didn't even take a second to look at the handwriting, instead he ripped open the envelope and began to read the letter, desperate to know what Mia had to say and if she would agree to work things out. It had to be from Mia– no one else would send him a letter. His heart raced rapidly at the thought of Mia possibly wanting to take Luke back. After receiving no response to the first letter, he had begun to doubt himself over whether or not she'd respond to the second. But here it was, in his hands– or so he thought.


You may be wondering whose handwriting this is and why it doesn't belong to Mia. That's because, as you've probably guessed, I am not Mia, and the love letters that you have been sending haven't reached her.
I don't know if you knew of this mistake, but all of your letters have been delivered to me. It may have been intrusive of me to read them, but part of me thought it was all some dumb prank and I was curious. I mean, wouldn't you be if a bunch of letters kept showing up at your door?
For the record, your handwriting is lovely, and whoever Mia is, she's a fool to push away someone with as big a heart as you. Maybe count yourself lucky that you got away from someone who took your kindness for granted.
Hopefully this letter reaches you before your next one reaches me.


Luke read the letter three times.

He couldn't believe that his letters, that were private and personal, had been sent to a stranger rather than Mia. Surely he hadn't made a mistake? He had definitely written Mia's address on the envelope. So how the hell had Alana received them?

Of course it wasn't Mia, Luke thought to himself as he took a third sip of bourbon. Luke was always the one to put more effort into the relationship and their relationship had slowly faded out after time. They never saw each other, Luke partied too much for her liking and Mia always hung around the same guy that made Luke suspicious. Their relationship was doomed to fail, anyone could see that, except for Luke, because he was a romantic and didn't think like that.

Finishing off another gulp, Luke headed to his room and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, deciding to write a response to Alana. Maybe the stranger was right, maybe Luke was better off without Mia. But he was still in love with her, so he couldn't help but feel the way he did. He was also annoyed that the letters hadn't reached Mia, and he began to wonder what Mia would have said if she had gotten them. But, a part of Luke was almost glad that Mia hadn't received them, incase she'd have leaked the letters or embarrassed him, and now he had a new distraction, a breath of fresh air; Alana.

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