Stage Fright

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*Time skip to in LA*

"Okay wow. It is very warm."

(This is taking place at like early in the morning)

"Oh yeah, you don't remember ever coming here. You came here once when I visited Mark. That is where you got your (favorite animal) stuffed animal. Mark got it for you!" Sean explained.


*Skip to panel at vidcon*

I was backstage only to be really anxious. I was never in front of a crowd. Someone came and told us we had five minutes and I was getting even more anxious. I went to go freshen up in the bathroom only to fall into Ethan.

Oh shit he is kinda cute.

Fuck. I became a stuttering mess.

"O-uh...i-I *hicup* ugh! I-I-I-I'm so-so u-uhm-" He cut me off.

He was smiling like a dork, which made me blush a little. His blue hair was brightened up for VidCon.

"Hey, it's okay. Just try to relax, okay?"

I didn't realise I was crying until a few tears fall into my wrists.

"Shitshitshitshitshit..." I mumble.

For the remainder of waiting, Ethan attempted to calm me down at least a little and it helped a little but I just kept crying. We had one minute left and my tears finally stopped.

"Guys, you are on!" A volunteer told us.

I took a deep breathe unprepared for this.

"Here we go."

Memories-Jacksepticeye x Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now