Chapter 2

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Sparky- Hey. Here's chapter 2
Yugi- You sound tired
Sparky- I am so I apologize for any mistakes. 

Yuugi wrapped up one of the Shepherd's leg as the dogs slept on his bed. It was seven at night and Yugi was glad that tomorrow was Saturday. He already took care and bandaged the Golden Receiver and he was almost done with the Shepherd. His hand was wrapped up from the bite he was given by the Golden dog and his body hurt still from his earlier beaten with the bullies. He cuts the bandage and slowly places the leg down.

Yugi rubbed the back off his neck with his good hand before standing up and going to make dinner. He was home alone for a few week since his grandfather was in Italy doing a did on an ancient temple. Yugi made himself some chicken soup so he didn't get sick from the rain and he made the dogs a half a steak for them both each for when they woke up. Yugi then went into the bathroom once he was done so he can bandage his own wounds. 

He took off his shirt and saw many bruises from this morning healing as well as some dried blood from other wounds. Sighing Yugi got to work on his wounds. While he was rubbing some alcohol on a scratch he never heard the dogs waking up in his bedroom and walking up to the bathroom where he was. Hissing in pain Yugi placed a bandage on the scratch then went to his wrist to clean it properly.

Hearing a whimper Yugi turns his head to see both dogs looking at him. It was the first time Yugi really looked at their eyes. The Shepherd has a deep crimson color while the Receiver has a dark indigo color to his. Yugi rubbed his eyes before standing up and smiling at the dogs. "Come on. I have food for you both." Yugi said as he walked out of the bathroom but not before he placed his shirt on.

The dogs slowly followed him and stayed tense just in case the boy did something. They walked into kitchen and the two dogs growled in disgust at the mess in the kitchen. Yugi turned to them confused before laughing. "Sorry. I haven't had time to clean lately. I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment." Yugi said before he grabbed the plates with the steaks and placed them in front of the dogs. 

"Don't worry they aren't poisoned. I promise." Yugi promised and the dogs started to eat slowly and then in a few seconds they were ripping the meat apart. Yugi's eyes widen before he started to yawn. He looked at his microwave clock and saw it was almost nine. "Well I have to get to bed since I have work tomorrow and I have to get cleaning this place up soon." Yugi said and walked over to the living room. 

The dogs looked at him as he walked over to the couch and layed down. The Shepherd walked up to Yugi and licked his face making Yugi's eyes open and stare at the dog in shock. "Um you two are sleeping in the bed since you're in pain." Yugi said but the dogs didn't move. "Well get to bed." Yugi said before he leaned over and turned off the lap that was next to him and turned it off so his living room darkened.

The Golden Receiver walked up to the Shepherd and they both laid down onto the ground next to the couch. Yugi sighed before turning his head to look at the dogs. "Get up here." Yugi mumbled and both the dogs moved to jump onto the couch and they laid either on Yugi or on the opposite side of the couch. "Stubborn dogs." Yugi mumbled before he went to sleep.
Sparky- I wanted to tell you guys that this story has little plot
Atemu- What do you mean?
Sparky- It means I'm just typing whatever pops in my head for this story. Remember I'm still working on that other story
Yami- Yeah I like that story. 
Yugi- Please review

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