Chapter 10

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Sparky- Hello my lovely readers.
Dylan- Hey guys.
Sparky- I haven't seen Yami in a while
Dylan- Where is Yami
Sparky- I don't want to know.

It was the last class of the day and Yugi was exhausted. He had at least three test today and had to deal with Ushio's teasing which meant he wanted to give him a beating. Something Yugi was not ready for. As Yugi was walking through the school he saw Atemu walking out of his classroom.

Atemu was not happy. He had girls trying to flirt with him, students wouldn't be quiet, and the gym coach, Ms. Valentine flirted with him as well during lunch. But once he saw Yugi walking his way his anger went away with the blow of the wind. He smiled at Yugi who smiled in return.

"Hello Little one. How was your day?" Atemu asked as Yugi walked up to him. "Hello Atemu. It was long but beatable. I'm almost done with my hands." Yugi said before he heard someone cough behind them. Turning their heads Yugi frowned at the sight of Ushio staring him down. Atemu glared at the student before placing a hand on Yugi shoulder.

"Yugi how about I walk you home today? So we can talk more." Atemu said and Yugi looked at him surprised but smiled either way. "Of course Atemu. I would enjoy that." Yugi said and the two walked past Ushio who growled as Yugi walked past him. Yugi knew he was going to be in for a beating but right now he was happy he was safe for now. 

"So Yugi. Would you like to hang out with me and Yami tomorrow after school?" Atemu asked and Yugi nodded. "Sure. You guys were nice company when we did our tour." Yugi said. "Where do you plan on going when we hang out?" Yugi asked and Atemu smirked as he slowly went for Yugi's hand. "Well maybe get some ice cream then the movies." Atemu said.

"Oh! That sounds like I fun. I love ice cream and movies." Yugi smiled. "Great. We'll pick up at six tomorrow since you still have school." Atemu said and they were at Yugi's home. It used to be a game shop until his grandfather left and he turned it into a house.

"Thank you Atemu. I have a feeling that if you didn't walk with me I would be coming home late." Yugi said before walking into his home." Yugi said before unlocking his door but before he walked in he felt lips on his cheek. "Can't wait for our date tomorrow little one. Yami and I are very excited." Atemu said before walking away.

Atemu didn't really walk away. He just waited for Yugi to open his door so he could teleport to his room and go back into his dog form. "Hey guys! I'm home!" He heard Yugi call. He then, in his dog form, ran downstairs to meet Yugi again. "Hey Shadow, hey Egypt. I hope your day was better than mine." Yugi said as he plopped down on his couch.

Yami hopped on the couch and placed his head in Yugi's lap while Atemu sat by his feet. Yugi laid his head down and slowly fell asleep from his exhaustion. Yami had been slowly licking his hand to help him fall asleep. "He is tired Atemu. Why?" Yami asked. "He had a long and stressful day." Atemu said. Yami looked at Atemu confused since he has never been to a human school. 

 "Don't worry about him Beloved. It was just a long day and he's going to have another one tomorrow as well." Atemu said before falling asleep as well. Yami was a little tense before he fell asleep on Yugi's lap as well. The three looked so peaceful as they slept on the couch.

They never heard a clicking sound of a camera. "Mmm. That's it baby. Sleep peacefully. Soon you will be in my arms." The figure said as they took pictures of Yugi and his dogs.

Sparky- I'm finally placing the villain in this story.
Yugi- Am I gonna get hurt?
Sparky- What fanfiction doesn't have you getting hurt ?
Yugi- ...Maybe

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