Chapter 3

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Yugi groaned as he heard the alarm clock on his phone that goes off every Saturday at nine am. Yugi slowly opened his eyes and tried to move but realized he couldn't. In fact Yugi could barely feel his legs. looking down at his legs. Yugi whined when he saw the two big dogs laying on his legs. They looked so peaceful Yugi didn't have the heart to wake them or move them.

Sighing Yugi moved his arm to reach his phone and turned off the alarm. Though as soon as he shuts his eyes again his phone starts to ring. Groaning Yugi grabs his phone again and answers the call. "Yugi Muto. How may I help you?" Yugi whispered. "Hey Yugi. You know it's nine in the morning, why aren't you up?" Yugi's friend Dylan as him. Yugi smiled at his friend's voice. She would always make sure Yugi is taking care of himself.

"I know but I went to bed late last night." Yugi said and Dylan laughed in her side. "Like that has ever stopped you from getting up at nine." Dylan said and Yugi sighed. "Just come over. I'll explain everything when you get here." Yugi said and Dylan agreed then hung up. He slammed his phone down on the coffee table. The sound of the slam woke the dogs up quickly making them bark.

Yugi winced at the loud and intimidating barks. "Damn you dogs are loud." Yugi said as he pulled his legs from under the dogs. Now since they were awake he didn't have a problem with moving his legs. The dogs stopped barking and looked at Yugi with fake innocence in their eyes. Yugi smiled at them and shook his head. "You two are far from innocent. That's my job." Yugi said as he got up from his couch with a stretch. "Damn I have a lot of work to do." Yugi said as he looked around his messy home.

The Shepherd whimpered as he limped over to Yugi. Yugi looked down and sighed. "You two aren't moving anymore then you need to be." Yugi said as he motioned them to the couch. The dogs hopped on the couch and Yugi walked to the kitchen and sighed as he had very little to eat. He had only one loaf of bread barely any milk and rotten eggs. "I really need to go shopping if I'm going to be having two big dogs here." Yugi mumbled.

Leaving his kitchen and walking back to his living room he saw he dogs cuddling. 'That's cute.' Yugi thought as he smiled. "Alright you two." Yugi said and the dogs looked at him. "I don't have anymore food so my friend is coming over with some. While she does that I'm going to head out to work. Be good." Yugi said as he placed on an old hoodie then left the house. The dogs looked at each other before nodding. Once they knew Yugi wasn't near the house they began it glow but it wasn't a normal glow.

A normal glow would have been bright but this was dark. The light was pitch black as their forms changed from dogs to humans. No not humans. Demons. Their hair looked like Yugi's own but slightly different. One's hair had red crimson tips while the other one has magenta color. They both also had some of their bangs shooting up their hair. Their eyes were the same but one of them had pale skin while one had tan skin.

They had wings coming from their backs that looked like leather but had spikes on them that were covered with poison. The had long tails coming from behind them and horns coming out from their head. Under their eyes were red lines that looked like they were carved into them.

"It seems our new master can't feed us at the moment Atemu." The pale on hissed. His tongue shaped as a snake's tongue. "Yes I see that Yami. I also see he's going to have some challenge with us." The tanned one know known as Atemu spoke. "Come now Yami. Let's go feed and maybe bring a snack for our soon to be mate." Atemu said and Yami nodded. They flew up to Yugi's room and out of his window to find a nice meal.

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