Winter with Cal (blurb)

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Winter with Cal would be so much fun. He'd make sure to take you to a wintery destination that had snow, even though he didn't care for it that much. He enjoyed his hot summers in Sydney, but he didn't mind braving the cold if it meant snuggling you a little closer at night. He would teach you how to ski on the bunny slopes (which he wasn't a very good teacher, but you were both a giggling mess, so it was okay). After skiing, you'd both make sure to have LONG cuddle sessions with many rounds of hot chocolate with big marshmallows, back rubs, and blankets galore. Many movies were binge-watched in your time together.

Being in the cold meant seeing Cal in sweaters and beanies almost 24/7, so you had to constantly stop yourself from swooning every three seconds. And Cal felt the exact same way about you. He adored your rosy cheeks and the way the snow sat in your delicate hair when outside. Calum would think that you stealing his sweaters was one of the cutest things in the world, but would get a little jealous and would mumble, "Why'd you have to steal my sweater? I'm right here, Love. Cuddle?" And scoop you up in his strong arms.

This was the holiday he never wanted to forget. This was the holiday he wanted to write songs and tell stories about for the rest of his life. All because of you.

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