Cat Ears Part Seven.

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Gray POV.

I woke up to the early sound of my god damn, fucking alarm clock.

"Fuck." I groaned as I got up.

Did a few stretches, then turned off the alarm clock. I got and prepared my clothes. (Even though I was gonna 'misplace' my clothes somewhere...)

I did my usual morning activities and finally settled down with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, as I looked over the apartment window, I saw a little girl and her mother trying to get the balloon that was going up in the air.

"Mommy, my balloon!" She cried.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. We can go get another one." The mother said.

"But, that was for daddy!"

I felt bad so as soon the balloon drew near my window, I grabbed it and when down stairs for the little girl.

"Miss, wait!" I said running up to her and her daughter.

She turned around and said with a gasp.

"Looks like we won't have to buy you a new balloon for daddy after all!"

"Yay!! Thank you, mister!" She thanked  him.

I felt my chest fill with happiness as I gave the girl her balloon. But before I went to the guild, I bought my groceries I needed for tonight's dinner.

'Ok, I think I'm going to make some salad and some old fashioned chicken noodle soup.'

I went back inside my apartment and grab a cooking book from when Erza bought me one on my birthday. Saying that I needed to make my own dishes and not just buy pizza or have someone make it for me.

Anyways, I grab the cook book and a piece of paper with a pen wrote down what I needed for tonight.


🔲 Two skinless chickens, large

🔲 Turmeric ground

🔲 Onion, larger

🔲 Basil, dry

🔲 Two carrots, medium

🔲 Two stalks of celery medium

🔲 Three cloves of  garlic

🔲 Green cabbage

🔲 Oregano dried

🔲 Parsley, fresh

🔲 Potatoes

🔲 Egg white noodles, whole wheat.

'Yep, I think that's all I need for my soup and I already have the veggies for my salad, so I guess I'm going to market.'

At the market...

As soon as I got to the market I suddenly felt an unexpected wave of drowsiness.

'Man, I really go back to bed now. But, why am I so tired? Oh right I went to bed at three and woke up at five, huh. Well as soon as I get home I'm gonna hit the hay for a while.'

I went to a carrot stand and asked the lady for some two medium size carrots.
And unexpectedly she fluttered here eyelashes to me when I realized that my shirt was missing. Not long after that she started giggling and started to 'flirt' with me.

"So, big boy you're a wizard right?" She asked in the most flirt like voice she could make she slowly unbuttoned her work shirt to show more skin.

"Ugh, can I just get my carrots?" I asked disgusted of her actions.

"How about I get your BIG carrot in ya pants?" She dirtied talked to me.

'Ok, the whore crossed the line!"

"Ok, bitch listen I don't want to do anything with you!" I yelled at her.

"How could not want a woman like me?!" She yelled.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in bitchy, whore, hoe, slutty, trash like you." I said walking out giving a few jewels to the lady on another counter and grab my carrots while walking out like a boss.

"Hey, wait! What do you like BOYS?!" She yelled.

"I'm bisexual by the way bitch." I said finally leaving the market.

At the apartment...

'Ugh, I'm so tired!'

And with that I placed the groceries in the fridge and fell onto my bed. I felt my eyes closing soon and so I grab a blanket and went to sleep.

I hope you guys like that! And that part where I had Gray walking out like a boss, I was laughing my guts out! Did you guys? Comment down below! Until we meet again...

...thatboredanimereader out!

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