Prologue Part 2

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It hung on a building, less than ten metres away; one of its claws dug into the wall for support. Green scales covered its body, its claws so massive just one of them was as long as a car. Windows shattered as it dragged its claw along the wall, falling onto all fours and pouncing further down the street, away from us. It was like a cross between Godzilla and King Kong.

Its tail thrashed behind it, flinging cars across the road and shredding through the buildings in an explosion of rubble and glass.

My dad wrapped his arm around my waist and tore me away, pushing me back into my chair. "Stay away from the windows," he ordered, gripping my arm.

I was too stunned to respond, I just stared blankly after the creature as it pranced down the road.

The ground tremored with the impact of the debris, setting off car alarms and knocking those outside to the ground. The creature barrelled across the street, hurdling cars out of its path like they were feathers. It clambered up a rooftop with a leap and a single pull of its arms.

A clear space had opened beneath it where it had swept cars to the side, where they were piled up into a makeshift wall. The creature was close enough that I could see the glee in its eyes as it gazed down at its work.

The creature was giant, as tall as the building it stood on. It lifted its lizard like snout and sniffed, its tongue whipped out like a snake, tasting the air. People scrambled for safety and it watched them, a predator choosing its prey.

It hopped down with a crash, cars crumbling beneath its feet. The ground quaked, setting off the rest of the car alarms. My eyes widened as it pranced our way, the rain shivered with screams.

I was frozen. I couldn't speak or turn away. There was so much noise. The clouds were growing darker and more violent. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed, the rain so heavy I could feel the vibrations. Everything was happening so fast I could hardly breathe. My heart twisted, pounding against my ribs as if it was trying to break free.

Only when my dad clasped my knee did I break from my daze. Up ahead, people fled their cars. The ones closest to the creature crouched low, trying to make themselves as small as possible. They had nowhere to hide. I couldn't make out their faces, but I was sure they were of wide-eyed terror, much like my own.

The braver ones sprinted for nearby buildings or shelter. From the moment they moved the creature followed them like a cat chases a mouse. It lowered its body, coiling its legs beneath it, and then it pounced.

It bounded across the street, cars crunched as its tail whipped them into a whirlwind of metal and terror. Each car shook the ground with a bang. Its tail swept through everything, slicing through metal like tearing through tin foil.

Then it found blood.

It started targeting people. Its tail cleaved them in two, its claws smashed cars in every direction, crushing anything that moved. It clawed at everything in reach in an outburst of aggression.

The creature grabbed a woman as she crawled from the topped remains of her car. It lifted her up and gazed into her eyes, snarling as it licked the blood from her face. She struggled, tearing at its claw with her hands, flailing with her legs, kicking whatever she could. It tossed her over its shoulder, I didn't see where she landed.

My dad's grip tightened, only five cars were between us and the Hellraiser. I could feel his fear for me as I could feel the power of his grip.

The creature stood on its hind legs, ripping its claw through a building and flinging rubble across the road like shrapnel. I flinched, but my dad was faster. Covering me with his body as a piece banged into our windscreen. Screams of agony pierced the air.

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