Chapter 5

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Dusk's transformed state reminded me of a bodybuilder pumped up on far too many steroids. His muscles ballooned into monstrous hunks of flesh, tearing his shirt and trousers to tatters. Bone plated his body and head like armour. Thick brows stuck out over his eyes, barely leaving any gap. His nose flattened back into his face and his ears had disappeared into his deformed skull.

Turned out the rumours of Dusk's powers were not so accurate. Superstrength and endurance was difficult enough to deal with on its own. I had not expected him to turn into some human-boulder hybrid. It was his trump card, and one that made me less than confident in the Nighthawks victory.

There were few weaknesses. His bones still glowed faintly blue, making it clear where he was best armoured. His neck, stomach and limbs were more exposed, they were the places to attack. I ground my teeth at the thought, Shifter hadn't managed to do any damage to him before the transformation, this just made it a whole lot harder.

Dusk growled, and the air shivered with it. I could feel the tremors run through my bones, causing my hairs to stand on end.

Definitely glad I'm on the rooftop.

Movement inside the Glass Den caught my eye and I was surprised to see Snapshot back on his feet so quickly. I thought a blow like that would have him out of action. Dusk's punches were nothing like a normal Titan's.

The instant Dusk bent his knees seven vines sprouted out from the ground, coiling around his ankles and lower legs. Dusk lifted a foot and stomped, cracking the road and shaking the vines free. The vines didn't stay long, retreating into the ground as Dusk raised another foot. They had slowed him down, Shifter was already behind him.

She attacked quickly, using her long arms like whips. The first blow took him by surprise, slipping through the small gap between his head and shoulder, her claws stabbed into his neck.

Dusk spun at the blow, taking a step back and grabbing for her arm. Shifter easily evaded, already moving onto her next attack. The target, his stomach. Dusk ignored it, striding towards her. The blow glanced off him, but Shifter didn't stop. She aimed for his eyes and mouth, never getting close to his hands.

The Glass Den rumbled with an explosion and Snapshot shot out through the shattered panels. He leaped through the air, landing on Dusk's shoulders like a frog. As he placed his palms on either side of Dusk's head, Dusk shrugged him off, giving him no chance to use his power.

I hovered my orb around the fight, searching for any chance to help. My orb was too large to strike at his eyes and I didn't have the power to do any real damage to him, but perhaps I could distract him.

I backed off as more vines erupted from the ground, six of them holding him in place while the seventh—as thick as a tree trunk—rose up over his head, slamming down like a kraken.

Dusk grinned. Not even trying to retreat he threw a punch into it, sending the vine flying back, snapping in half at the centre. Both sections disappeared into glowing dust. Dusk raised his arms over his head, clasping his hands together into a giant fist. Snapshot and Shifter retreated, and the vines receded into the ground. He slammed down into the road, throwing up dust and concrete.

The vibrations hit the Glass Den like an earthquake, shattering many of the panels that made up the walls, but thankfully leaving the roof intact. A fissure at least a dozen metres long, split the road where his attack had struck, and my eyes widened at his strength. Snapshot had actually survived a punch from this monster?

Dusk turned to Shifter and snarled. He was enjoying it.

Shifter crouched, hackles raised, ready to spring to safety at any moment. Snapshot waited on Dusk's rear. I glanced at Lightshow across the street, the alleyway lit up behind her, making her standout against the skyline.

Origin of PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora