Chapter 13

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My palms were sweating when Jack pulled the van to a stop inside the garage. This was my first mission, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I followed Amelia inside, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge on the way to the living room.

The others were already gathered around the TV. Both Mia and Ryan looked ready to leave the room already. In the three days I had been there, they had argued most days about how they conduct their missions. Things were difficult with Ryan. He wanted to change things like everyone else but didn't want the risks involved. I got the feeling he was ready to quit.

Ryan glanced at us as we entered the room, and I took a seat beside him. Ruth was on the central sofa, feet up on the table and making every effort to show how little she cared about whatever argument she had been going on. I had been surprised to find her the most eager to continue working with the employer, she took Mia's side in practically everything.

"The mission," Ryan said. "Has been arranged for tonight."

Amelia sat with Ruth, resting her elbow on her leg and leaning onto her palm. "That seems a little rushed."

"It is rushed," Mia said. "But hear me out, I agreed to this for a reason."

Ryan snorted, slouched back into the sofa, arms crossed.

"Mia arranged to meet the employer," Ruth said.

"He's agreed?" Amelia asked.

Mia nodded. "Yes, but we need to do this for him first. We've shown our value, we just need to prove it to him."

"Why tonight," Ryan groaned. "How can we even do this? No research, no planning. You want us to pull off a mission with only a couple of hours to prepare?"

"Yes, I do," Mia said firmly. "This is a big leap for us. This is more than just a meeting. We will be moving into his circle, become a part of the decision making. We can do more than just carry out missions. Isn't this what you wanted?"

"I told you I want to take less risks. Meeting this guy is secondary to that."

"I wouldn't have accepted the job if I didn't think we could do it," Mia said.

"Doing it is not the problem," Ryan said. "Without time to prepare, we're bound to make mistakes."

"I have all the information we need," she said. "Maps, blueprints, security procedures. It's all there. We probably won't even need to fight."

"Probably," he snorted, rolling his eyes. "Well that's perfect. As long as it will probably work out, I'm all for it."

"Well that was easier than expected," Jack said, hopping up off the sofa. "I'll go make some tea and we can get to work."

Ryan wrinkled his nose at him.

"Ryan," Amelia said. "We can never guarantee that our missions will work out."

"It will work out," Mia said. "Sit down and let me go through the job. If you don't think we have enough information, we can think of our options."

After a few seconds he nodded, walked over to the sofas and took a seat beside me. "I won't do it unless I think it's safe."

"Fine," she sighed, turning on the tv, then flicking to another screen, displaying an image of a container port. "We need to break into the warehouse and take an item in one of the containers."

"We're not thieves," Ryan scowled. "And Area Eleven is secured by the HA, they will come after us for this."

Mia took a smaller remote from the table and span it in her hand. "We can't do this if we are afraid of stepping on a few toes. You need to remember, we may not be Tyrants, but we are against the HA. And the government."

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