Part 1 | History Repeats

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Richies POV

One day later...

"Richie...Richie wake up!!"

I stirred and got up onto my elbows rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Stanley was beside me already dressed.

"Richie... you overslept... family's going for a trip and we are leaving in an umm you have to go now" he said biting his lip probably not trying to sound rude.

I sighed.

"They want you to hurry?..." He frowned

I bolted up and took a deep breath.

"Settle down Rich, its gonna be ok.. if you go home and your mom does anything just call me.. ok?" Stan reassured now standing up.

I just nodded. I got out of his bed and he gave me a pair of clean clothes that I quickly slipped on.

"See you Stan, thanks Mr and Mrs Uris for letting me stay!" I called to Stans parents who were in their kitchen making lunch probably.

"No problem!" His Dad responded.

"Your welcome any time!" His mom smiled at me.

I waved and started to bike back to my house slowly. I passed by Eddie's house and all the memories from just yesterday flowed in. My heart sunk all the way down to my toes. My sister and my two bestfriends were gone..
I gulped thinking about what happened to Y/n when she came home and I wasnt there... I wonder what will happen when I get home.
I parked my bike in the garage and went to the front door. I attempted to open it but it was locked.. I furrowed my eyebrows and rung the doorbell. No answer. The lights were on. Someone was home.

"Mom!" I called banging on the door.

I huffed and sat on the steps my head in my hands. After a minute or two I heard the door creak open from behind me. I stood up and backed away. My mom stood there anger mixed with sadness in her eyes.

"Wheres Y/n?" She asked emotionless ignoring the fact I'm covered in bruises and my glasses were cracked the slightest.

"She-She..." I gulped my legs felt like jelly and I just couldn't bring my self to say it.

So I just collapsed and started to cry.
She looked at me knitting her eyebrows together.

"Gone..De-De.." I didnt say the rest. I couldn't say the rest.

She widened her eyes and she knelt down by me.

"Dead?.." she asked. The word I could say myself

I continued to sob uncontrollably. This was different for me. I'm Richie Tozier. Trashmouth, I wasnt known for crying. No one has barely ever seen me cry. I dont usually cry but this... this just hurts.

My mom nodded and rubbed my back, she got up and reached her hand out. I flinched thinking she was going to hit me, but instead she helped me up. I was shocked. Who is this? Did something happen to my mom while I was gone? She led me into our living room and sat me down across from her.

"Tell me what happened.." she asked grabbing my hand.

By now I was trembling and tears were still flowing down my cheeks. At the memories all of them.

"You wont believe me..." I whispered

"Try me.." She smiled weakly.

I took a deep breath and told her everything. Bill attacking Eddie at The Quarry, Y/ns heartbreak, The rumors, Bill going missing, the projector, the well house with Eddie almost getting eaten, my missing poster and the room of clowns, Eddie being under house arrest, the clown, the big divide, me going home and getting kidnapped by the clown, me waking up in a sewer to receive the bad news about Y/n, Eddie and Bill. And lastly I told her how they... went.

She looked taken aback. Her mouth hung wide open, she suddenly went pale and her skin became cold.

"Its alive..." she whispered shaking

"What?" I asked obviously confused.

"Pennywise.." she whispered again looking me in the eyes.

My eyes widened, how did she know?

"You believe me?? How do you know!?" I gaped.

"27 years ago the same thing happened... the EXACT same thing, well other than the Bill attacking Eddie, heartbreak, Rumors.. but I can tell you that Y/n, Bill and Eddie... are alive!" She whispered smiling.

"Really? No! You messing with me!!" I gasped my eyes couldn't be wider, my lip trembled as the tears on my cheeks slowly started to dry.

"No I'm not. I'm telling the truth.. but I cant tell you anything else.."

"What! Why not!"

"Because I dont know anything else.. other than one thing.."

"Pennywise is still alive too.. and History will repeat itself..."

Sorry if this is a bit confusing I promise it will get better and more clear ♥️

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