Part 6 | Pennywise

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Richies POV

The dirty water around us swished as we made our way through the tunnel. I couldn't help but wonder what the others had gone through making their way to me.
Finally, we made it to the space where all the missing kids once floated and were I almost died. We all just looked around, sort of on edge. I was paranoid. I expected Pennywise to hope out from behind a pile of garbage or come from out of the water but he didnt.
"Over here!" I heard Stanley yell. I ran towards him to see him standing by yet again another well. Except this time we could see the bottom. The bottom of the well was...
White? A clear bright white that almost hurt my eyes.
"The fuck?" I questioned looking at everyone.
They all looked confused as well.
My mom grabbed another rope and dropped it down. This time she tied it to a new by pole. We all went down on the same order like we did earlier.
When it was my turn I slowly lowered myself to the bottom. I was for sure creeped out, who wouldn't be!? I landed softly on the ground, I looked around, the room was empty. The others soon dropped beside me, we all seemed to be scanning the room for literally anything. "There!" My mom exclaimed pointing to a what seemed to be a light brown doorknob. We jogged over to it.
A shiver ran down my spine as I reached for it. That wasn't a good sign. When I opened the door, it only revealed another completely white room, but this time there was a bed, which held a sleeping Bill Denbrough. My heart began to race as I flicked my eyes to the sprawled out bodies on the floor. Eddie and Y/N! I felt my eyes tear up. "Are they alive?" Stanley asked his voice cracking.
My mom and I rushed over to Y/N, while Stanley ran over to Bill.
I dropped onto my knees beside Y/N. I held her head in my hands as I wiped some dirt off her cheek.
"Y/n.." I spoke shaking her a little. She stirred, I let out a light gasp as her brown eyes stared up at me.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n..." I heard I familiar voice speak. I  stirred, I was sore. I slowly opened my eyes to see Richie. I felt like crying. "Oh my god Richie!" I said sitting up at wrapping my arms tightly around him. I couldn't help it, I started to cry.
I opened my eyes, to see..
"Mom?" I spoke confused, pulling away from Richies embrace.
She had a warm smile on her face, her eyes filled with tears.
I haven't seen my mom genuinely smile in what seemed like years. I was beyond confused. But before I could say anything a thought popped in my head. "Eddie!" I said snapping my head beside me.
He layed there, eyes shut. I weakly crawled over to him, my body still aching. "Eddie, wake up" I said caressing his cheek in my hand. Soon enough his eyes fluttered open, I smiled and let out a sigh of relief as his beautiful brown eyes stared up at me. "Y/n!" He said sitting up fast, quickly embracing me in a tight hug.
"We're alive! As soon as I breathed in those fumes I thought we were dead!" He rambled holding onto my shoulders. I laughed a tear sliding down my cheek. "But we arent, right?" I told him smiling weakly.
He was about to say something but the rumbling stopped him.
"Do you guys hear that?" My mom spoke. I looked around to see Bill, Stanley and his dad looking around aswell. I barely noticed they were here. The walls and floors shook, as the roof started to crumble.
"Y/n, Eddie.. get up.." My mom told us as her and Richie began to back up. She also signaled to Stanley to get Bill up. I got up slowly due to the aching pain, when I was up I helped Eddie up aswell. We all backed up to a corner of the room.
It went quiet. Too quiet, the only noise was the breathing of us all. I felt a hand intertwine with mine, Eddie's hand. I gripped it tighter as I felt the ground shake more.
"What the fuck is happening!" Richie whisper yelled. It seemed no one had an answer.
Soon the ceiling began to crack, bits of dirt began to fall from the cracks.
"Um, I have an idea, why don't we just leave?" Eddie said quickly looking around the room.
"I agree" my mom spoke jogging over to the door, she gripped the knob but it refused to turn. Spiders crawled out the seams of the doorknob and my mom let out a panicked gasp and quickly skipped back over to us.
"Just bust down the fucking door!" Richie yelled as the ground shook once more. "Then what Richie, she breaks her hand and then can't climb out of here?" Stanley said sassily, a quiver in his voice. "Can you guys just stop? The bickering isn't helping us get ou-" before I finished my sentence, the wall collapsed and down came the creature that started this whole mess, the one our parents failed to defeat years ago, the one who took Bill from us, the one who made us feel a type of fear none of us have felt before...


Finally, I updated huh? I'm sorry guys for the lack of updates I'm just really busy! Hope you enjoyed this small part!

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