Part 8 | End

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Richies POV

beep.. beep.. beep..

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room, the sun flowed through the curtains, which was I how I knew I was in an actual hospital.

I had to move my whole upper body to look beside me due to the fact I had a cast around my neck. Y/n was sleeping by my side. "N/n, wake up." I nudged her. She stirred squinting up at me. "Richie! Oh thank goodness" she said wrapping his arms around me gently. "I'll go get a nurse!" She said running out into the hallway.

Soon a nurse, my mom, Y/n, Stan and Eddie all came in. They all surrounded me eagerly but the nurse politely told them to give me space.
She blabbed on about my broken neck and how long I would be wearing it, she gave my mom some medication and I was free to go. I didnt really care that my neck was broken.

I was just glad that we all made it out alive.



"and then he turned to stone, it was horrifying!" Eddie rambled on to our friends. I giggled at his facial expressions as he told the story. Beverly's mouth hung open and she seemed to be at a loss for words.
"All of that happened.. while I was laying IN BED?" She said shocked. "W-Why didnt you guys come get us?" She spoke signaling towards herself, Mike and Ben. "We didnt have time!" Richie answered. "Oh well, I'm just glad you guys are alive and here with us" Ben spoke smiling. We all looked at each other and smiled gratefully. He was right. It felt great to be here with everyone again. "Come here guys" I said standing up. Everyone else got up and I pulled them all into a group hug. We pulled away and stared at each other in silence. Richie soon broke that silence by bursting into a fit of laughter. I soon joined in and we were all laughing for an unknown reason. Perhaps we were all glad to be in each others presence again. All of us.

Soon we all calmed down and sat in silence and one by one everyone starting leaving, giving hugs before they parted. "I'll see you at home alright N/n?" Richie spoke, I nodded. By now it was just Eddie, Bill and I.

"Y/n, um, can I talk to you?" He asked nervously looking down at his shoes.
Memories then hit me like a truck, I almost forgot about when he did.

I sighed, "okay" I nodded getting up. Eddie kissed my hand before I walked away causing heat rush to my cheeks.

We walked a little ways before he turned to face me. I crossed my arms waiting for him to say something.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry f-for hurting Eddie, I was just so je-jealous and hurt that.. that you chose h-im over me." He stammered looking shamefully at his feet. I frowned. "Why'd you do it?" I asked, ignoring his apology. He looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Do what?" He asked dumbfounded. I almost face palmed but instead in just took a deep breath. "Spray paint that message. At the movies?" I explained with a frown. "Oh.. that, well you see, that wasn't m-me. It was E-Ellie. I was walking down the street an-and she walked by me laughing she shoved red sp-spray paint in my hands and then y-you saw me.." he explained.

After hearing that I began to feel sorry for him. I was so quick to blame him for it.
Well he was holding the can and he didnt bother to try and explain at the moment so..

"Do you f-forgive me?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. I contemplated it, although I know its gonna be a yes.

"Yeah.. I do... damn Ellie is such a bastard!" I laughed. Bill just nodded and laughed to.

"Well I better get going, see you around Y/n!" He said giving me a small smile before walking off. "See ya!" I called after him.

I walked back over to Eddie who was sitting patiently on a log. "What'd he want?" He asked curiously. "To apologize" I responded leaning my head on his shoulder. Eddie didnt respond after that. He just rested his head on top of mine and sighed.

The sun began to set and the view was beautiful. "Y/n.." Eddie spoke. "Yes?" I responded looking up at him. He didnt say anything, he just leaned in and locked his lips onto mine, I was a bit surprised at first as it came suddenly, but I soon melted into the kiss. It was short but meaningful. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. I studied his facial features causing me to fall for him more than I thought was possible. His chocolate brown eyes were focused onto my E/C ones. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out at first.

The three words that came out of his mouth next caught me off guard.

"I love you" he spoke a blush visibly rising to his cheeks.

A huge smile formed on my face and I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you too Eddie Kaspbrack"

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