The Sanatorium.

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I'm not great with chapter titles (this is my first story)

John was filled with happiness as he saw his cousin on the floor. But he was also filled with regret. He howled out as tears ran down his cheeks, but he soon abrupted into a insane laugh. 

He fell to his knees as he touched his warm cheeks, his shoulders shook as he continued to laugh. But as soon as he touched his cousins cheek, more tears ran down his face. He then understood.

He killed her.

Imelda was in too much shock to even move or scream, she couldn't believe what she just witnessed.Her son. John had just killed his cousin Rosa. Imelda fell to her knees and cried in her hands.

A nearby neighbor had heard the gunshot and called the police.

Hector and the others were confused as they saw the police stop in front of the house, they also heard a gunshot and went outside, Hector went inside and saw his wife  walking down the stairs.

Imelda struck up at the house with tears pouring down her face. They all ask whats wrong as she sits at the couch. Rosa's corpse still crisp and fresh on her mind. Then she explains that John had tried to kill her but killed Rosa instead. They had tears streaming down their faces as they shot up and got out the house. 

They had horrified faces as they saw Rosa in a stretcher, they cried and hugged eachother by sorrow. Rosa's parents were walking next to the strecher. Tears trickling down their faces. Their chest tightened as soon as the paramedics hoisted the stretcher in the medical van.

They saw John in the back of a police car,Johns whole family stared at him in fear. Hector glanced around the family but his eyes landed on John. Hector didnt know what to think. Miguel always got afraid when John would only smile towards him, to Miguel it looked sinister. 

Abuelita sat in silence, her hands cupped in her lap as she stared at John. She was afraid and angry. She wanted to tell him off, but knew it would only make the situation worse. Victoria hugged her husband, which was Johns uncle, who was a police man. She was afraid of John, she never knew why he killed Rosa. So she was very confused and scared. John only smiled creepily at his family as they stared at him. All in silence, they stared.

Then news reporters came, they began filming the area, the reporters tried to ask Imelda and the Riveras what happened at house,but they all refused to do a interview with them,Charles then spoke with the new's reporters.

"My nephew , killed his cousin Rosa." Charles said solemnly.

"Why did he do it? " a male reporter asked Charles.

"John was trying to kill his mother, but Rosa interfered and she tried to pull the gun away from John, but when the two were fighting over the  gun, John pulled the trigger by accident and shot Rosa in the head." Charles said with sadness in his voice.

Soon after, in the news it showed John being taken to a sanatorium, as he was still young and thus he couldn't be sent to prison, The sanatorium is located north, outside of Santa Cecilia (it takes about 3 hours to get there).

John was put in a cell and he just kept,staring at the wall,John kept thinking about how he killed Rosa,he was happy to have killed her,but he really wanted to have killed his mother,now he is locked up because he killed his own cousin,John now knows he will never get the chance to kill his mother and he might never get to see his little brother again.

John cried himself to sleep, and he kept thinking about his brother,until he fell asleep.

the next day, John was taken out of his cell and was taken to a white room, the guards put him on a chair and right across the table sat Dr.Nelson and Dr. Kelley.

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