The Attack Part 2

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8:25 PM

Carmen,Berto, Benny and Manny had just arrived at the house, they all came out of the car and ran to the house.

"Diego?" Carmen asked as she opened the door, she then looked down and nearly screamed, as she saw her son on the floor with blood all over his face.

"DIEGO! what happened!? are you ok mijo!? " Carmen asked as she stood next to her son and saw he had cuts on his face and she saw he had a open wound on his leg.

"Benny go call 911!" Carmen shouted.

Benny ran towards the living room, but he saw that the phone was all smashed up along with the table.

"Uh Mum, someone smashed the phone." Benny said.

"What! But Diego need help now!" Carmen yelled.

Carmen got her phone out, but she saw the battery was dead.

"Damn it, my phone is dead." Carmen said.

"I'll go get my cell phone,i think it's upstairs." Benny said as he went up the stairs.

Benny went into his room and started looking for his phone, he found it under his bed.

" There you are." Benny said as he started to dial 911,but John snuck up behind him with and grabbed him, Benny gasped as he struggled John then slammed him against the wall before snapping his neck.

John let Benny's body fall to the floor, he then grabbed his knife as he heard someone walking up the stairs, he hid himself in the closet.

Berto went up the stairs as Benny was taking too long and he heard a sound coming from his room, he went inside the room and gasped as he saw his son on the floor.

"Benny! are you ok!? Berto shouted as he was on his knees and he saw Benny's neck twisted which meant someone snapped his neck.

"No, we already lost Rosa,but we can't lose you too." Berto said as tears were running down his eyes,Berto saw Benny's phone and grabbed it, he walked out of the room, John came out of the closet and started following him.

"Berto, what happened up there? is Benny okay." Carmen asked her husband.

Berto was about to speak when...

"Dad! Behind You! " Manny shouted, Berto turned around and saw John with a knife, John charged at him,Berto dodged and John started to go after Carmen and Manny.

"No!Leave us alone! " Carmen screamed.

Berto then grabbed John turned him around and punched him in the face,John groaned in pain but he then stabbed Berto in the leg, Berto howled in pain as he grabbed his leg.

"Go! Get out! " Berto shouted as he tried to hold off John long enough for his wife and son to escape, Carmen didn't want to leave her husband and Diego, but she had no choice.

Carmen grabbed Manny's hand and the two ran outside,John saw this and he then stabbed Berto in the stomach,Berto screamed in pain, then John stabbed him in the chest and Berto fell to the floor, John knew he would die of blood loss.

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