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John slammed Imelda's head two more times on the table,Imelda's face was full of blood and her nose was broken with blood dripping, Imelda spit out blood from her mouth.


Imelda coughed up more blood.

"J-ohn...i" Imelda tried to say she then grabbed his knife which was on table as John was too busy looking at her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU HERE AND NOW!" John screamed, he went to grab his knife but it wasn't there, Imelda then used that chance to stab John on the neck, John fell down to the floor knocked out.

Imelda started running to the front door and tried to open it, but it was locked from the outside.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE! HELP ME!" Imelda screamed as she kept banging on the door, John then got up and pulled the knife from his neck, Imelda saw this and ran upstairs John ran after her, Imelda then grabbed a vase and threw it at John which hit him on the head, John groaned in pain as he fell to his knees, Imelda ran into John's room, she locked the door and hid in the closet. 

Dr. Nelson was driving to the Rivera house with Hector and Dr.Kelley, the others stayed behind, Hector just hoped they weren't too late.

Imelda put her hand over her to mouth to prevent herself from screaming as she heard the door being knocked down, she peaked through the closet to see John inside the room, she saw his head was bleeding and was looking around the room.

Imelda then backed up a bit but knocked over a box, Imelda froze and she peaked through the closet and saw John staring at her, Imelda backed away and stayed still, then suddenly John punched a hole in the closet, Imelda screamed.

Imelda tried to get away, but John continued to break down the closet door, Imelda started looking around for something to defend herself, she then saw a pocket knife and grabbed it, John had now completely broken the door, Imelda lunged and stabbed John on the chest, John grunted in pain and dropped his knife, Imelda saw this and grabbed it, she then stabbed John again in the chest, John then fell to the floor.

Imelda was breathing slowly and she walked to the door and she leaned on the wall and sat on the floor, breathing slowly as she still couldn't believe she had killed her son, but she had no choice.

John slowly rose up and yanked the two knifes from his chest, he stood up and walked towards Imelda, he then grabbed her and Imelda screamed.

Hector,Dr. Nelson and Dr.Kelley have arrived to the house, Hector was able to open door and they soon heard a scream, Hector knew it was his wife's,Dr.Nelson ran inside soon followed by Hector and Dr.Kelley.

John i don't want do this, but you leave me no choice Dr.Nelson thought as he ran up the stairs.

Imelda was struggling to get out of John's grip, but the two didn't notice Dr.Nelson.

Dr. Nelson lifted his gun at John, John fought Imelda. So he wasn't paying attention. Nelson shot the bullet and saw it dart through John's chest. John stumbled and fell off the balcony, Everyone screamed out his name and reached out towards him, but it was no use when he smashed into the pavement  and then rolled into the pool, leaving a trail of blood.

Imelda was in shock as Hector hugged her, she had Tears streaming down her face as were Hector,Dr.Nelson and Dr.Kelley.

"I'm sorry,John." Dr.Nelson tearfully said, Hector then called the police and ambulance, as he knew his wife was badly injured.

All they could do was wait.

The police finally came, but in surprise John's body wasn't there. The reporter was shooting questions at the family, but they were stunned. How is he still alive?

This is Santa Cecilia News, We're here at the Rivera House where about a moment ago John Rivera was about to kill his mother, but luckily his former psychiatrist Dr.Nelson shot him, now Dr.Nelson and Dr.Kelley along with Imelda and her husband Hector claim to have seen John fall from the balcony and into the pool, but when the authorities arrived his body was nowhere to be found, so everyone out there celebrating Dia de los muertos please be careful, we still have no word where John Rivera is , so stay safe.

And that's a wrap. There will be a sequel to this story and i'm planning a series of books for this story.

Also big thanks to  Warewolfcutie223 for helping me with this story.

Also thanks to those who voted on the story, i really appreciate it.

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