The Mentalist - Lost Sister

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I do not own the characters! By the way I am from Austria, that means that my English is not perfect, hope you all enjoy reading nevertheless. :)

First Chapter:

I woke up early in the morning not sure what I should do. Either I should stay in bed and try to sleep another few hours or stand up and play with my little sister. I decided to stand up and dress myself and then I went into the room of my sister. On the way to this room, something was strange I didn't  know what, but something looked unfamiliar. As I entered my sisters' room I was shocked, what happend with this room? Where was my sister and her belongings?

I went into the room which looked like an office, there was a work desk, a chair a laptop, which was standing on the desk and all my sisters' poster were gone instead of these I saw some calenders. I ran out the room and into the living room, there I lay eyes on some photos of my family, but my sister wasn't there on  a single one. It looked like she had never existed. I ran into the bedroom of my parents!

"Where is Jessy", I asked my dad.

"From whom are you talking Lily?", he answered.

"Of cause from my sister."

"That is a good joke, come on it is 7 am I want to continue sleeping only a few hours."

"That's not a joke, I am not kidding, I want to know where I can find my sister", I replied.

"What are you talking about? You never had a sister! It your imaginary friend, whom you can't find, but maybe your 'friend' is in the kitchen", my dad started to laugh.

I left the bedroom and went back into my room. I know that I have a sister, I know both I do not sleep yet and I haven't dreamed about a sister, who doesn't exist. But what the hell happened? I sat on the bed and thought about Jessy as my mother entered the room.

"Do you want to have a breakfast now, Lily?", my mother asked me.

"Yes please, but could I first ask you something?", I responded.

"Of cause my dear, everything you want".

"Do you know someone called Jessy?"

"Of cause I do, what a silly question", I smiled, "Your aunts' name is Jessy, how can you forget such things?" A tear droped down my skin as I heard the second part of her sentence.

"Why are you crying sweetheart? What happened with you?"

"With me nothing, but something happened with Jessy!"

"With your aunt?"

"No with my little sister JESSY, I woke up today walked into her bedroom and found an office instead. She also was erased from all pictures with made with her, and you ask me, why am I crying?", I said in anger.

"What are you talking about Lily, I think you just  had a nightmere, everything is fine, believe me", she sat down next to me and gave me a huge hug. To tell the truth, I already felt better and nearly believed them the story, but something told me that my sister was somewhere out there and needed my help.

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