Eighth Chapter

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In the Bullpen:

Jane and Lisbon entered the Bullpen and called the other three of the team to a meeting. All five of them sat around the big table and Lisbon bigan to explain what happend.

"So we went to Lilys' house and talked to her parents, her mother was very politely and tried to help us, but her father was very uncommon and tried to get us out of the house. We know that he hide something and we have to find out what it is! Lily gave Jane a photo of Jessy, so we know, that she exists, Lily also mentioned that something had happened on the 8th of June 2004."

"We think, that Henry McClair, Lilys father had done something wrong, either he had some debts or he had committed a crime. Jessy had found out and had to disappear. Lucy McClair, Lilys mother knew also about this thing and is forced to keep silence", Jane added.

"Ok Boss, that means that I will check the date on the net and try to find out what happened", Grace said.

"Yeah that would be great, and tell me first, if you find something"

"Boss, wouldn't it be good if we get the McClairs in and ask them out separately?", Rigsby responded.

"That's an excellent idea, Rigsby. Take Cho with you. Jane and I look for some empty huts and try to find Jessy."

After two minutes Grace mentioned something:

"Boss, I think I have something according to empty huts. I was collecting information about the McClairs meanwhile you were visiting them. I found out that Henry McClair is a very important person in politics. He is headman of a party and is accordingly rich. He owns a big countryside and a big wood 20 miles east from his home. But of cause he wouldn't kidnap his daughter in his own woods so I searched ahead and eureka! His brother - in - law  owns a wood of 10 theta in the south of Sacramento, the coordinates are sent to your phone Boss."

"Thanks Grace", Lisbon replied. "Come on,Jane, we try to find Jessy, somewhere in this wood."

In the Wood:

Jane and Lisbon parked their car on the edge of the wood and start walking in. At first they only went up the roads but they did't found any huts or houses or hideouts. So they left the road and walked into the depth of the wood. Suddenly the phone rang and Lisbon answered it.

"Hey Rigsby, what's up?"

"Hey Boss, bad news, Henry and Lily aren't here, only Lucy but she said they went just shopping, but I don't believe her. What should I do now?"

"Take her with you to the CBI and try to find something out of her, phone me if there are news."

Lisbon hang up and told Jane what happened, as the phone rang a second time.

"Hey Grace, do you have some news for me?"

"Yes Boss, I have. On the 8th of June 2004 had happened a crime and no one was found guilty. Few people thought that Mr. McClair ravish girls under the age of 18 so they needed a proof, a girl came to the police and told them that she is a victim of him. A week later was she found dead in her flat."

"Poor Girl, so this is what Jessy found out, and Lily too. That means that both of them are in great danger. Thanks Van Pelt, could you, Rigsby and Cho come to us, I think we need reinforcement."

"Yes of course Boss, we come as fast as possible."

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