Secound Chapter:

384 13 1

Theresas Vow:

As I walked into the CBI I thought this would be a boring day, nothing to do, just sit in the office and waiting for case, which we hadn't since one week. I passed the kitchen, in which Jane stood and as he saw me, he walked in my direction.

"Good morning Lisbon! Did you had a nice sleep?", he asked me.

"Morning Jane, no I haven't because I dreamed of you and your 'funny' jokes!"

With these words I went away and in my office. I sat down next to my working desk and rifled through some paper sheets which were laying on my desk. I started my computer and ended some reports from old cases. 

"Good morning Boss". Cho came in and sat down opposite me.

"Boss, Is there something to work for, I mean Rigsby, Van Pelt and I have nothing to do and we are really bored."

"Cho sorry that I have to say, that there is nothing you three can do. I just finished the open reports and you know you aren't allowed to go home, if you do not have anything to do."

"Ok Boss, you will find me in the office-room, if you need me or some of the others", Cho replied and went out of the room.

"Hey Lisbon, why so angry this morning?", Jane asked when he entered my office.

"Jane, what do you want?", I answered.

"You haven't dreamed about me, you were lying, but why would you be in that bad mood?"

"Should I be happy when I just sit in my office and have nothing to do. I am not allowed to go home or go out for a walk, no I have to be in this building and just wait for some case coming in."  

"Do you want to come with me in the kitchen and drink some tea, just to do something?", Jane asked me. Because I really have nothing to do I followed him to the kitchen.

I sat on a chair just watching Jane, while he was making a cup of tea, as a girl ran in my direction. She was at the age of fifteen or a little bit older, had long black hair and green eyes. She wore a red dress and black sandals. She stopped in front of me.

"Are you Agent Lisbon?", she asked me.

"Yes that's me, how can I help you?"

"Could we speak somewhere alone?", she questioned.

"Of cause, please follow me."

I led her into my office and offered her a seat, then I sat opposite her and listened.

"Hello, my name is Lily McClair and I am fourteen years old, I life here in Sacramento and need your help desperately. My sister disappeared last night and no one knows where she is or even that she exists. My parents deny it, but I am sure that she is alive somewhere."

I wrote to Rigsby to call the parents from McClair, because I am not sure if she is just joking. I mean, if you hear this story you wouldn't believe her or?

Would you believe? --> please comment and tell me what do you think!

"So you say, that you have a sister, can you describe her?", I asked her just to play out time.

"Yes Ma'am, her name is Jessy she is ten years old. She is nearly as tall as I am and have brown hair and green eyes, like me."

"Do you have a photo of her with you?", I request.

"No sorry, Agent, but my parents have wiped out every single photo of her, I think they want to let everyone to forget about her."

I talked to her ten more minutes and than Rigsby knocked at the door, next to him a black haired man with green eyes, this must be her father, I thought.

"Your father have arrived, so I think it is better if you would join him and I will see what I can do, ok?"

"Please you must find her, you are her last chance, don't let her die!!!"

With these words went she out of my office and walked away with her dad.

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