Chapter 10

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Naluma inhaled deeply and panted through Wei'ahtt's pain

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Naluma inhaled deeply and panted through Wei'ahtt's pain. She wanted to be with him, but she'd only be in the way. She couldn't even give him her life-Force, not while she was pregnant. 

She glanced over at Luke in the pilot's seat. How can he be so ca— A hitch of his breath interrupted her thought.

He closed his eyes and took even breaths. She laid a hand on his arm. Touch was all they needed. He opened his eyes and lowered the landing gear as he brought the shuttle into the landing bay. The white craft sped across the gleaming black deck before settling on it like a Hutt nestling in the sands of the Dune Sea.

Luke turned to his wife, biting back his tears. He clasped her forearm and helped her to stand, pulling her into an embrace.

As she tucked her head into his shoulder, the tears flowed freely down his black woolen tunic. His tears landed in her hair and trailed down the back of her neck.

The grief they shared through their Force-bond at once overwhelmed and strengthened them. Together they took cleansing breaths and meditated on the Light of the Force before joining the Jedi in the main cabin.

The sight of the wounded Jedi staggered her once more. Not our kids. Please. Not our kids. Please let them live.

Luke had already moved to Jannah, helping them unclip her backboard from the bench-turned-med-bed.

Naluma's eyes connected with Ben's at the other end of the cabin. Emotions she had never witnessed before crossed his face—a swirl of darkness and light in the Force. She didn't know what to make of it.

She averted her gaze to the injured Jedi Knights. Pilar, the only Jedi besides Naluma to master Force-healing, abided deep in the healing trance. The young woman sent tendrils of the Force into Jannah, holding the ruptured lung together.

Zeke and Benae had already freed Wei'ahtt's stretcher while Kallay fed her life-Force into him. Every Jedi could give their own life-Force to another. Naluma just hoped she would stop before she gave it all.

Master Fau shuffled toward the cockpit to allow them to carry his still form down the loading ramp. A sharp kick in her ribs elicited a gasp from her.

Following Wei'ahtt's stretcher, Naluma wobbled down the loading ramp. She inhaled a cleansing breath and began her meditation chant to calm her Youngling. "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one . . ."

In the foggy consciousness of her meditation, the peace of the Force permeated her being, calming her son.  

When she focused on the stretcher once more, she recognized Dr. Halter Kalonia rushing to Wei'ahtt. The middle-aged woman with short brown hair ordered her crew as Zeke and Benae carried Wei'ahtt's stretcher toward her. "Get two Bacta beds prepped."

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