Chapter 7: Snakes In The Grass

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Aubrey's POV

The word stressed didn't even begin to describe how I was feeling. I told Chubbs everything on the ride back to the hotel and he called Jas and OB so they could get started on trying to figure out who it was.

The sad part was that we knew it was somebody from inside doing dirt and once I find out who it is they're dead. We've ran a tight ship for 8 plus years and I refuse to sink now.

"Aubrey look at the cover!" Onika ran to me as soon as I walked in. No matter how bad my day was she always made it better.

"What's wrong?" She asked examining my facial expressions.

"Nothing baby let me see them." I told her taking off my jacket.

"Hold on let me post it on Instagram first. How was the meeting you look tired?" She asked me on typing on her phone.

Oh it was great. I have people trying to fuck me over right under my nose and we've been oblivious this whole time but other than that it went well.

"It was good I'm just tired from that blunt and all the news." I reply to her.

"Oh ok well we don't have to go out today if you don't want to." She's the sweetest thing. Never thinking of herself.

"No were still going. Get dressed." While she was in the bathroom I got a notification from Instagram and went to check it.

" While she was in the bathroom I got a notification from Instagram and went to check it

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Liked by onikamaraj, coreyyy and 378,220 others

octobersveryown king and queen. Get your issue this Saturday. #repsup

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theshaderoom wow. we're here for this one
alishalove we all knew she was fucking him
wintertimeee hoe shut up^ anyways congrats boo!

 we're here for this onealishalove we all knew she was fucking himwintertimeee hoe shut up^ anyways congrats boo!

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Liked by queenkaila, theshaderoom and 423,877 others

onikamaraj made the cover of Vegue and PAREP. Get your issue this Saturday. #queentings #blessings

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clermonttwins yes bitch
queenkaila my idol
obobrien reps uppp

clermonttwins yes bitchqueenkaila my idolobobrien reps uppp

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Liked by chubbsview, obj and 345,798 others

champagnepapi go get baby girls issues this Saturday👑 #wcw #proudofyou #thisherrealhair

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racheldoe she's so photogenic😻
victoriassecret we need her with us


Onika's POV

"When's the last time you've even been in a mall?" I ask Aubrey as we walked around.

"Probably 2 years. Crazy I know, but I've never really had time. I'm always busy." The look on my face was probably funny as hell.

"Couldn't be me. I love shopping way too much." I chuckle.

"Yeah I know. You remember that time I came with you to the mall the summer of your junior year and we stayed in here for about five hours. I blame you for making me dislike them." Aubrey tells me and I laugh harder because that day was the first time I saw him truly upset.

"I can't believe you remember that. I remember you got mad because I only got like four things." I laugh with him.

"Excuse me? Can I please take a picture with you? I follow you on Instagram and you're so pretty!" A younger girl comes up to me and asks.

"Of course what's your name?" I looked at Aubrey who was smiling.

"Sarah. I'm 12!" She says excitedly as I hand Aubrey phone so he can take a picture of us.

"Thank you so much." She gave me a hug and then went back to her.

"Well that was exciting. You have a little fan base now." Aubrey jokes as my phone rings.

"Hellooo darling" I answer Winter's call in a British accent.

"Nic you won't believe who just got arrested on campus!" She screams in the phone.

"Wait somebody got arrested? Was it Aaron?" It had to have been him.

"No! Jamal got arrested!" Jamal was on a scholarship here for basketball and was cold as fuck. He stayed over this way so he could be close by his grandma. He did some partying but never anything crazy.

"What!? What for?" Aubrey and I were now walking towards the food court.

"Girl apparently he had cocaine in his bag and they found it doing that random drug search. The cocaine is some special shit too they have an idea of who it could be coming from because that's the same cocaine that was in my text book." What the hell is going on down there?

"That's crazy what the fuck. So they're gonna be able to trace it back to see who the supplier is?" That's when Aubrey's head whipped sideways and he stared at me and the look in his eyes let me know he new something.

"Yeah which I guess is good so they can stop planting shit. If I would've had my text book on me that day I probably would've got arrested too." I could kill Aubrey right now.

"Yeah that is good. We don't want the wrong people going to jail.... but Winter I'm gonna call you back. Me and Aubrey are at lunch right now." I tell her glaring at him.

"Oh ok have fun!" And with that she hung up.

"So what the fuck do you have to say for yourself Mr.Graham? I want the truth. The whole fucking truth or so help me god Aubrey...." I really cannot believe this. I knew he was in deep but why the hell do you need to sell niggas special cocaine.

"I can explain. We're getting it under control I promise." He says looking guilty as hell.

"Well I'm waiting..."


So Nicki knows that Aubrey's cocaine is involved how are you guys feeling?



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