Chapter 12: Wild Ting

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Onika's POV

Aubrey scheduled me a doctors appointment to see how far a long I am in this pregnancy so I'm currently getting ready for that. I feel like shit this morning. Everything I eat has been coming back up.

I really wish Winter or Kaila could come with me to this appointment too but Winter has work and Kaila's back home in New York.

I headed down stairs to the kitchen to eat a banana before Aubrey came down here rushing us to leave.

"You ready to go?" He asks grabbing the keys.

"Yeah lemme throw this away." I say as I make my way to the trash can.

"You look good." He comments eyeing my outfit.

" He comments eyeing my outfit

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"Thanks, I feel terrible." I say softly as we get in the car.

"I don't know what all they can do for that but we can tell them and see if they can fix it." Aubrey tells me before letting the garage up and pulling out.


"So Miss Maraj, it appears that you're two months pregnant... almost three actually. Congratulations!"!Dr. Evans says applying more gel and using the monitor.

"When can we find out the gender?" Aubrey asks staring at the screen in awe.

"You guys should be able to find out around the 4 month mark. Have you been having morning sickness?" She questions while wiping the gel off and helping me sit up.

"I was just about to talk about that. It's like every morning no matter what I eat it finds its way coming back up and I don't know how to stop it." I tell her watching her wash her hands

"Well that's normal for you to experience this in the first trimester, but we don't want you losing any weight and I'm sure you'd like to keep your figure being that you're a model so what I can do is put you on some vitamins and see if that helps. If you don't notice a change in two months give us a call and we'll get you back in here. Sound good?" Hearing her tell me all this was a wake up call. I'm really pregnant. There's life growing inside of me. I couldn't control my emotions and started crying.

"Aw everything is going to be ok. First time is always nerve racking." The doctor says handing me some tissues while Aubrey gave me a hug.

"I'm just excited. Nervous yes, but really excited." I tell them dabbing my eyes.


It's been three months since I found out I was pregnant and I took a break from work and social media. When I went back to the doctor to find out the gender it was revealed that I would be having twin girls. That prompted me to really step away from everything negative. I wanted to get through the first trimester in peace without everyone bombarding me with me questions or having to deal with hate especially with me being pregnant with more than one child.

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