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Don't we just love friends they're like the siblings you've always wanted they're always there for you, making you laugh even when you're down, they're your R.O.D until they switch up...

~Keep your circle small

Don't try to be Ms. Popular and be friends with everyone because along the way you will pick up some fake friends that'll switch up real quick trust me‼️

~Actually be a good friend

I know we always talk about watch out for fake friends or toxic people but make sure you aren't giving off toxic vibes that means talking behind people's back being unsupportive and all that don't dish out what you don't want to get served💯

~Talk it out

Sometimes a friend may do something that rubbed you the wrong way instead of talking about them try to talk it out like a real adult and not some petty child game but if the friendship is not worth saving and they have done it multiple times and YOU HAVE TALKED TO THEM ABOUT IT MULTIPLE TIMES (this is key if they've done it multiple times and they don't know you don't like it or you assume they know still try to talk it out) cut them off

-It's not worth saving if...

They have done you dirty wrong

Don't like to see you succeed

Talked about you multiple times

No longer give off vibes that you rock with

Doesn't want to take your advice even if you are trying to help them

Has posted subs about you

If you are the only one putting in effort into the friendship

They start to do things that may be unsafe and doing sketchy things

-Make sure to keep it real

Me personally I will never have my friends out here looking stupid. If I feel like they are messing with the wrong guy I'm going to tell them. If I feel like they are starting the hoe antics I will tell them. Even if they are smelling a little musty I will tell them. BUT I will always tell them in private and I will always stand up for them in public. Also keep in mind that you need to be respectful when you do this they are still your friend. If they can't be real then it's not worth it being friends with them.

Pretty&Lavish (Selfcare&more💋)Where stories live. Discover now