14•School night routine📚

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3:35-3:45- Arrive home

3:45-4:00- unwind, eat a snack, check social media

4:00-5:30- homework time and study time (this varies if I have a night with just a lot of hw and studying but the priority is to get all of it or as much done)

5:30-6:00- take a shower

6:00-6:30- scroll on social media and post

6:30-7:30- make chapters (on nights when I have free time)

7:30-9:00- watch tv and listen to my playlist (I like to listen to music to forget about the day and just seriously RELAX)

*this is very unrealistic just because most  nights I don't get in until 7:30 or later due to after school obligations but for days when I get home regular this is my typical night routine

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