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"No way. Dick, is that really you?" Danny had tears in his eyes. "Of course it's me. Look into my eyes, Danny. Do you think I would lie about that?" Dick stared at Danny. He was crying as well. Danny wrapped his arms around Dick's waist. "I missed you so much! What happened? Where have you been? Why-" "all very good questions, but tell me this. Do you remember what happened the day Mami and Tati died?" Danny looked down. "The bolts on the trapeze didn't get tightened enou-" "wrong. They were murdered. By tony zucco. After I found out, I went out and took him down. However, he's escaped recently. I assume you know how to fight, Phantom?" Dick smirked. Danny smiled. "Of course, Robin." "Then come on. We need to get a little blood in your systems, and then you're good to go. What's your blood type?" "AB. Before you ask how I know, I've been with the GIW for weeks. They, recorded me. Wrote down everything. Everything including health." Danny looked down, getting lost in the memory of that painful day.
Danny screamed as they dragged him to the lab. He would have phased out of the facility, except for the fact that he had power restraints on. They strapped him to a table, and did multiple tests, each more painful than the last. By the time they went to take his blood, he had screamed so much, his throat was raw. When they went to take his blood, he struggled. He fought back, saying that it wasn't theirs, it didn't belong to them. They muzzled him and held down his arm. They got the blood, and injected something into Danny. He writhed in pain. It was like his veins were on fire. His head was full of snakes. He wanted for it to stop, stop, stop! He needed to get out. He needed to be ok.
"Danny, are you ok?" "Huh?" He looked back up and shook his head. "I asked if you were Alright." Robin said, holding an empty blood bag. "Yeah. Just a flashback." Robin was frowning. You know how long you've been in that flashback?" "Five minutes?" Robin shook his head. "Fifteen minutes. We need to work on that. Now, what powers do you have?" "Invisibility, intangibility, flight, shield, ectoblasts, enhanced hearing and ice. Oh, and a ghostly wail. I don't use it often, it tires me." Danny said, counting them on his fingers. "Wow." "Yeah. Now, are we going to kick butt, or are we gonna have a tea party?" Robin smirked. "Kick butt, duh. Why do you even need to ask?" Danny hopped off the bed, a little unstable at first, but fine after a few seconds. "Come on. If we're going to take him down, we need to hurry before Batman finds out." Robin said. "Ok. But to make it look normal, I'm going to do something. Don't freak out." Robin scoffed. "It takes a lot to freak me out." Danny nodded, then held his hands up. "Going ghost!"

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