Getting to know you

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No one's POV
Danny sighed as he put his suitcase down on the bed. He had just gotten his stuff from his old house after visiting Sam. Sam had woken up and was devastated when she heard about Tucker. After visiting her, they, being Danny and Dick, had traveled to his house to collect his belongings.surprisingly, he had not missed the funeral. He and Dick had gone in with hoodies and sunglasses. That didn't mean Danny was completely hidden. He stood next to Dick at the funeral, and had cried into his shoulder. Dick never complained, and he never pushed Danny away. In fact, he had pulled Danny closer. When Danny had arrived at the manor, he was an emotional wreck. He layed on the bed, looking at his ceiling. After hearing he liked space, Bruce had decorated his ceiling, making it look like a night sky, with no moon. Danny's favorite nights. He heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Danny whispered. The door opened, and Dick stepped in. "Hey, Danny. How are you... holding up?" Dick asked, then facepalmed. Danny smiled. "I'll be fine. I've got a brother, a Tati, and a butler to help me. I just... need time to adjust. This is so different from Fenton works and the circus." Dick laughed. "Tell me about it. I actually isolated myself just to adjust. Didn't know it would set me back." Danny laughed for the first time in days. "Really?" "Yeah. What about you? What was Fenton works like?" Danny looked down. "It was pretty good. My mom and dad were ghost hunters. Made it hard for a halfa to fight sometimes." "Halfa?" "It's an expression. It means half human, half ghost." "So that's where that outfit came from." "Yeah. It was wild. Ghosts used to attack me, even when I was on trips, they attacked. So, I learned to fight the hard way. I had a sister, Jazz, she figured it out after a while and started helping me. My friends, Sam and Tucker, they knew because they saw it happen." "Woah, wait. Saw what happen?" Dick interrupted. "My parents had a ghost portal. When it didn't work, my parents quit. Sam and Tucker dared me to go in. I tripped over a wire, and hit the 'on' button. My dad had put it on the inside. It turned on, with me in it. But instead of dying, I survived, for some reason. After a few years of ghost fighting, I learned that a ghost has an obsession, or something that lets them go into the real world, or Earth. Mine is keeping people safe. So naturally, I stayed. But to stay, I had to look human as well. That's why I still look human." Dick just stared. "You... went through all that, including the GIW?" Danny nodded. Dick smiled and pulled Danny into a hug. "And yet, you're still here. That's my baby brother." Danny just stayed there, frozen. Then he hugged Dick back. "Thanks, Dick. I needed that." "Anytime, my little Phantom. Anytime."

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