Light and dark ( sebagrell )

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Grells POV

Grell meets up with Sebastian in the forest " you wanted to talk to me? ". Sebastian looks at her " why love me? I'm a demon nothing more and nothing less " Sebastian said coldly. " because I saw something else in you, you may be a demon by nature but your more than that on the inside your more nicer, gentle, understanding, loving and honest " grell said going to him putting her hand on his chest feeling a beat. " trust me I think I'm more of the demon in the relationship " grell said looking away. " I guess you're right but how are you more of the demon in the relationship? " Sebastian asked. " Jack the Ripper, my suicide, my temper but I'm still kind and loving towards people but when I'm mad I can't control myself I may hurt you and everyone else, the only ones that seen me get so mad was Ryan, Eric, Alan, William and undy " grell said looking down. " I'm dangerous " " not to me you aren't " Sebastian said keeping her close. " your protective, honest, brave and strong hearted. Your everything to me " Sebastian said. " I'm sure I never deserved you but no matter what I love you even if I'm crazy or the other way around " grell said then sighs. Grell looks up then sings " he was like April skies, sunrise in his eyes, child of light, shining star, fire in his heart, brightest day, melting snow, breaking through the chill, October and April " Sebastian sings as well " she was like frozen sky in October night, darkest cloud endless storm, raining from her heart, coldest moon, deepest blue, tearing down the spring, October and April ". Grell and Sebastian keeps singing the song until they finish. Grell sighs " see I am more of the crazy on because I was born on Halloween so I'm supposed to be bad luck to everyone. " grell said sitting on a log. Sebastian sits next to her " no your not your better than that to me, and I love you for being you I don't care about anything else " " y you mean it? " grell asked. " every word " Sebastian said looking at her then tucks a bit of her hair behind her ear, puts his hand on her cheek then slowly puts his lips on hers kissing her sweetly but loving. Grell kissed just as sweetly.

Song: October and April

AN: so Sebastian's birthday for me that is because I don't know what his birthday is will be April 9th because why not

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