Yeah....... sorry.

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So I felt like I finally needed to get this off my chest.  A lot of things is going on at the moment. And honestly, I've never felt so..... so..... Uh, I dont even know how to put it in words.....

Actually, the thing is,  my depression has worsened.  A lot of you won't care,  think that I should keep these things to myself and not "publicize" it.

You know what?

I did.

I tried to keep it in for so long.  Sure,  there were times where I acted like a snobby bitch and "hurt" all your feelings, but....

I probably won't even update anything anymore. And its definitely not helping that I have such a family who DOESN'T EVEN SUPPORT THEIR OWN DAUGHTER.

Yes.  They think I'm the worst creature ever born on earth. And its not just because I'm super ugly or that I'm extremely fat.  The thing is!

They expect me to become as good as one of the girl in my class.  Seriously?  They don't even know her true colors.  She's not even a "goody two shoes".

Just because she can act happily and socialize with everyone and I can't doesn't mean that I'll be insulted ever moment.

You all,  those who are rolling your eyes because I'm being "overdramatic", hn. I'm jealous of you.

Must mean you've got a happy family. Nice. So yeah. I won't waste your time so I'll cut it short.  There are things that cannot be explained. And I've never been so upset with life. Even the little things are making me so irritated. I just want to die.

And I am serious this time.

I'll probably never update anything anymore. Atleast, not until I can get everything sorted out. So yeah,  even though I know you all don't like me or my writing, please bear with me just this once.

And yes.  I know there are people who hate me but they pretend they don't. O have one thing to say.

I know who you are.

so yeah. I guess this is goodbye. For real.

I hope you all have a nice day/night.

Good bye.


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