Random Tumblr tag time

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Before opening Tumblr, I told myself that I'll do the first tag I come across.

I didn't even read all the questions, and it's pretty long, so I'll be dividing it into two parts. And I may not do the second part, cause laziness.

I got lazy while editing okay

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I got lazy while editing okay

Deal with it.

Ew, the questions suck.

1. Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now: His goofiness, and the black chargebolt sign on his hair. Also his quirk.


What? He's a person okay.

I'm fictosexual, I told you already.

2. What on your body is hurting or bothering you: Let's see...

My throat.
My nose.
My forehead.
My ears.
My heart.

Basically everything. uwu

3. What was your last thought before going to bed last night:

"Yikes, eating that ice cream was not a good idea. I'll probably wake up in an even more worse condition tomorrow."

And guess what?

That's what happened :D

4. What are you listening to: Ehhhh nothing at the moment.

Except the quiet ticking of clock and my parents talking in the next room.

5. What's something you're not looking forward to: Lmao, next week.

Please, I want an apocalypse to happen right now.

6. Where do you think your best friend is right now: Bold of you to assume I have a best friend :omegalol:

7. Have you kissed anybody in the last five days: ...

Bitch, no.

8. Favorite song: No. Fuck off.

9. Kiss on the first date: Heh


*deranged laughter*

I've never been on a date and I'm convinced I'll die single but I don't give a fuck about that. *finger guns*

10. Is there a person you want to be with right now: Yes.


11. Are you seriously happy with where you are in your life: Tbh, no.

But since when are humans ever satisfied with what they have? We always seek for more.

I mean, I don't have any major problems aside from school, so I'm not too bad, I guess.

12. Is there something you'd like to say to anyone: Yes.

Fuck off, haters.

13. What are the three things you did today:

1. Woke up.
2. Studied.
3. Fell asleep.

14. Would you rather sleep at a friend's or bring them over: Bring them over.

I'm always comfortable sleeping in my own bed, with my own pillow.

15. What is your favorite kind of gum: How dare you ask me this question.

I love all kinds of gum.

16. Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriend: I—


What a question.




17. What is on your wrists right now: This question sounds like you're sneakily asking me if I self harm.

But no, I don't have anything on my wirsts.

18. Ever liked someone you thought you didn't stand a chance with: Oh God

Why is this tag hurting me

Excuse me while I go cry :D

19. Does anyone have strong feelings for you: How would I know?

20. Are you slowly drifting away from someone: My irl friends, I think.

21. Have you ever wasted your time on anyone: Can we stop with these kind of questions please?

Thank you, next.

22. Can you do the alphabet in sign language: No.

Now I'll tag people cause Wattpad is ded.




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