No Sex

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"Ming, is it true?" One look at the teasing smile on my boyfriend's face as he walked into the room and I could tell that he had heard the news. Most likely from P'Beam.

"Argh, Kit it's not funny. You have to save me." I sat up on the bed watching him.

"Save you? How?" I noticed a small smile playing on his lips before he turned away from me, looking around for something.

"Tell P'Beam to talk to P'Forth. P'Forth will listen to P'Beam. Please Kit, save me." I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice.

"Why would I do that. It'll be interesting to see you put on a serious and intimidating face." He turned to me, smiling. He was clearly enjoying my predicament.

"I can put on a serious and intimidating look for you anytime, but I don't want to be a head hazer."

"Then tell Ai'Forth you don't want to do it." Kit offered. As if I haven't already tried that.

"I have but he's insisting that he wants me to be his successor. Help meee Kittt."

"I don't want to." He shrugged without pausing in his search for whatever it is he was searching for.

"You know this will affect you too, right? Our time together will be drastically cut short." I said, trying to pull out any reason I could find to get Kit to help me out.

"It will be good for me. I'll be seeing less of your stupid face." I know he is joking but it still hurts a little that he is laughing at my expense.

"Sweetie, you're so mean. Don't be mean to me. Help your husband out."

"Leave me out of it."

"Oi sex until you help me."

Kit paused his search and laughed hysterically at my threat. It's not funny, seriously. My last semester as a first year started out so well and P'Forth had to go ruin it by recommending me for something as troublesome as a head hazer. Do I look like the kind of person who can haze? I have no clue what P'Forth is thinking, and he somehow convinced the other seniors too. Aaaaahhh, I don't want this. I want to spend all my free time with Kit, not with a bunch of first years I don't know and a bunch of third years who have plotted against me.

"Okay, no sex." Kit finally wheezed out an answer before walking toward the door.

"Hey wait, where are you going?" In my bid to stop him, I stood up quickly. I almost tripped over the blankets which fell and pooled at my feet. I cussed, kicking them out of my way before rushing toward my teasing boyfriend.

"Back to my faculty." He stopped long enough to give me an answer, but I was between him and the door before he could open it and walk out.

"Didn't you come here to comfort me?" I pouted, asking for attention.

"Nope. I came to get this." He raised his hand, showing me a book.

"What about me? Are you really not going to help me out?"

"Nope." I grabbed his hand when he tried to reach around me for the door handle.

"Where is my see you later kiss?" I asked him.

"Since when did I..." I kissed him, swallowing his protest. I pulled his body against mine, holding him up when I felt his knees go weak. I didn't let go until I heard him moan.

"See you later Kitkat." I watched his glazed eyes as he tried to catch his breath. My fingers brushed his pink cheeks lightly before my hand was shoved aside.


"I love you too." I called after him as I let him escape through the door.

I spent the next few days trying to seduce my boyfriend into asking me for sex. I'd brush his arm every chance I get, place my hand just above his ass or on his hip, where I know he likes to be touched. I'd nuzzle or kiss his neck, pull him onto my lap and run my hands all over his body. I made sure we spent every night together and I'd sleep with him trapped in my embrace, rubbing my body against his.

Kit let me do all that without complaint. In fact, he seemed happy about it. Not once showing his grumpy self, he was all smiles and his eyes, those eyes I love so much, had taken on a more teasing quality. Every time he smiled at me I couldn't help but feel like he was teasing me, laughing at some joke I wasn't in on. I wonder why.

Meanwhile, all my other attempts to get out of being a head hazer proved moot. If anything, the seniors wanted me to do it even more. When I couldn't take it anymore I went to find P'Beam myself.

"N'Ming, if you're here to see Ai'Kitty he is not here." P'Beam spoke when I sat next to him in the library of the medical faculty. I knew Kit was already back in his room.

"No P, I came to see you."

"Me? Why?"

"I need your help with something. Can you tell P'Forth I really don't want to be a head hazer?"

"Oh okay, I can help you with that." P'Beam offered quickly with a smile on his face.

"Aw really? Thank you, P." I smiled back at him excitedly and watched as he took his phone out right there and then and called P'Forth.

"Hey, N'Ming wants me to tell you how thankful he is that you recommended him for the head hazer position." I groaned. I'd been tricked. I should have known P'Beam won't help me.

I took my sulking self to Kit's room after leaving the medical faculty. I grunted a greeting at Kit, who was sitting at his desk, reading something before making my way into the bathroom to wash some of my troubles away. Kit didn't pay me any mind when I walked back out, even though sulky me wanted his attention. I dragged him away from his desk and onto the bed. I knelt between his legs and buried my face in his neck.

"What are you doing?" Kit asked without trying to stop me.

"Trying to forget my problems." I answered in between the wet kisses I was placing all over his face.

"What happened to no sex? Because I definitely don't remember helping you out with your head hazer situation." I groaned, without bothering to hide my frustration. He really has been teasing me this whole time and now I think I know why. He let me do all those seductive things to him because he knew that I'd be suffering too. If Kit suffers, I suffer. So while I was trying to seduce Kit, I was in a way seducing myself too. I'm not trying to pull his pants down now because I couldn't control myself, it's because I give up.

"Yes, you win. I want to have sex and I'm not going to hold back tonight." I looked down at his adorable face as I spoke.

"Stupid." Kit laughed before lifting his head up and placing a kiss on my lips. Ha! I knew it. I wasn't the only one pent up.

We tore at each other's clothes, kissing sloppily. Before long I had Kit sitting on top of me, pushing throbbing little me into him. I dug my fingers into his firm ass and slammed him down onto me. I really like it when Kit rides me, but he easily loses focus because of the pleasure it gives him -he denies it though- and forgets to move. I missed the sight of him sort of taking control, but I wanted to go hard and fast. I flipped him onto his back without breaking the contact bellow our waists. I held his legs apart and pumped into him with such vigor he tried to escape by trying to move his ass out of the way. He wouldn't let me go when I tried to pull out after our climaxes had subsided making me grin down at him.

"More?" I whispered into my lover's ear.

"Yes...yes, more." We spent the rest of the night relieving each other of our frustrations and I did end up becoming the head hazer. Tsk!


I hope you liked it.

See you in the next one.

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