Conflicted 3

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My face was flushed all through my morning classes the next day because I couldn't stop thinking about the night before and my skin was still tingling. My flush deepened when Ming's smug faced peeped into my classroom during our lunch break.

"Do you have a cold?" Beam touched his hand to my forehead. "You face has been red for so long. Should I take you to the school clinic?"

"No, I'm fine." I brushed Beam off before picking up my bag to go have lunch with my boyfriend.

I focused on my meal most of the time but I could feel Mings eyes boring into me.

"What?" I let my spoon clatter onto my plate and looked up at him when I couldn't stand it anymore.

"You haven't given me your review yet." The smug smile on his face was maddening but what was even more maddening was that instead of showing him how maddening he was being, I was blushing like an idiot.

"A review of what?" I can't let him know I know what he's talking about.

"My hazing skills. You weren't thinking of something else, were you?" Why would I be thinking of something else?

"Of course not." I picked up my spoon and stuffed my mouth full, with food.

"So?" Ming asked when I wasn't saying anything even after I'd already swallowed my food. I shrugged and focused on my meal. I didn't bother saying anything else even though he kept trying to get me to say something about it.

Later that night, a little murmuring broke out among the girls who were in the library with my friends and I. Ai'Beam just had to know what was going on so he went over to find out. He startled Ai'Pha and I when he rushed back to the section of the library we were occupying with a phone which wasn't his in his hand.

"Look look look." He shoved the phone in my face excitedly. "Did you punish N'Ming yesterday or something?"

"What are you talking about?" I moved the phone a little away from my face, so I could see the screen. Ai'Pha leaned over my shoulder to take a look too. "A facebook page? What is this abo..."


The name of the page caught my attention. His picture was used for the profile of the page, so it was clearly my Ming that this page was about.

If you weren't at the cheering hall today, your loss. It was aWESOME

Okay, there was nothing wrong with that comment.

P'Ming was like a different person today. He was tough, it made him even more sexy.

I should have stopped scrolling but I didn't.

After today I can say without a doubt that I'm in love with P'Ming

My legs hurt like hell, but I'll be the first in the cheering hall tomorrow. I can't wait to be hazed.

I will do a hundred squats if he wants me to. It makes me wet just thinking about it.

I totally had a mini orgasm at the gathering today. P'Mings stern and commanding tone was too orgasmic ahn

Girrrlll, Me TOo. I was going yes master, yes master the whole time. I'm glad I came to this school.

Just once, just once. If P'Ming will do me just...

Okay, that is it. I shoved the phone back into Beam's hand and buried my nose in a book. I could tell those two were dying to get information out of me, information I knew they would tease me with, information they weren't going to get from me.

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