Kiss Me

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This one takes off where Say I Miss You 2 ended.



I let go off Kit's hand, so I could adjust my grip on his bag as we made our way to the car. Kit slipped his hand into the crook of my arm almost immediately I let his hand. When I turned to him with my brows lifted in surprise, he looked away shyly. I love this. Kit missed me. I believed him when he said it because he'd never have said it if he didn't mean it but seeing him show that he'd missed me eased my thought that I may have missed him more.

Kit didn't let go until I'd unlocked the door, so he could step into the passenger side. I placed his travel bag in the trunk before making my way around to the driver's side. Before strapping my seat belt on, I leaned toward Kit and captured his lips with mine. He didn't push me away even though the car was parked right at the entrance to the arrival section of the airport and anyone who walked by close enough could see us.

I slid my tongue between his lips, hoping he'll let me in. When he parted his lips and flicked his tongue over mine, I relaxed, leaning in more and slipping my hand into his hair. I rested my forehead against his for a moment to catch my breath after I broke the kiss. I kissed his lips lightly one more time before completely pulling away and putting my seat belt on.

There was a comfortable silence between us as I weaved us through traffic on our way home. Kit slipped his hand into mine as we made our way into the house after I'd gotten his bag from the trunk of the car. He held on to my hand even after we'd walked through the front door. I led us to the bedroom and let his hand fall to his side before I went over to the closet to put his bag away. I jumped a little when I turned around to find Kit standing just behind me.

"Kit, you scared me. Why don't you go take a shower while I make dinner?" He cast his gaze down and shuffled one foot but didn't move. "Let's see..." I reached for his belt buckle, undoing it before pulling his pants down his legs. He placed his hands on my shoulders and lifted his feet one at a time, so I could slide them off completely. I did the same with his boxers before slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt and pulling them off his shoulders. I kissed his right cheek, then the tip of his nose before leading him into the bathroom. I run some warm water into the bathtub as it was a little cold outside.

"Aren't you getting in with me?" Kit asked when I tried to get him to get in without having taken my own clothes off.

"No, I'll take a shower later. I'm going to go make something for you to eat." The corners of my mouth twitched with a smile as a disappointed look crossed his face. I pulled his naked body against my clothed one and rocked us side to side before speaking with laughter in my voice. "Did you miss me that much?" The slight tease in my tone was unmasked.

"Shut up." He pushed me off with a pretty pout on his lips. I was a little sorry to see his sexy body move away from me and into the bathtub.

I went into the kitchen and threw on the derogatory apron Kit had bought for me as a joke before beginning to throw ingredients together to create a simple meal.

I went into the kitchen and threw on the derogatory apron Kit had bought for me as a joke before beginning to throw ingredients together to create a simple meal

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