Chapter 4 -- Cade Tells the Story

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I wait for Cade to finish his breakfast. "Chris, what are you doing here?"

I came to meet your girlfriend for myself. Girlfriend? That's how the staff defined Percy to me: 


'Why didn't you tell me Cade? They said that you didn't want me to know that Percy was seeing you.'

"Well I didn't want you to be embarrassed that your co-worker knew about our broken brother. And because I really began to enjoy her visits."

"Well, I'm glad too Cade. Percy has a big heart. I'm glad that she reached out to you."

"Me? Look little brother. Sonja didn't do this for me. She did it for you."

"Look stupid if you want to, that woman loves you. You told me of the many times that she saved your life right? Well, she comes here to save your heart from pain. From the pain of having to deal with me."

"You know what she does? She comes and sees me in the p.m. We have dinner. Then she goes and sees momma and sometimes sis. Then she comes back and sees me the next morning. Meets with the treatment team before she heads back to D.C."

"She seems to find some way to get me a message if she is unable to come in person."

"One time she showed up for a whole week. I confronted her how it was that she was still here on day three. Then she started crying. It had been a long time that I had held a woman Chris. I enjoyed it but only so much because these tears were not about me. They were about a man that she deeply cared for. She never needed to say that the man was named Christopher LaSalle."

"Since then we have shared many, many stories about you. Some about us as kids. Goofy things about you. All about you and Savannah. About the day you two first met. About that little boy Tucker and some damn shit about mice which I still don't get."

"I can't wait to meet this Tammy chick and will never understand why you put the brakes on a relationship with her."

"Look in the mirror littler brother. Say her name out loud then look at your face in the reflection of a mirror. Yep, that's the look Chris. Somewhat embarrassed. Somewhat in awe . You clearly love her as much as she loves you."

"So let me ask you little brother. What are you going to do? After explaining to me how you let go once, how could you ever let her go again now that you are both are here in the same place at the same time?"

"I don't know Cade. I have to think about this."

"Well, Chris, the clock is ticking because she should be here in about 20 minutes."

"Look Cade, I need some time" I say as I hurried to leave the room.

About a half hour later, I could see Cade and Percy come out onto the lawn. I ducked behind a tree and watched as they headed the other direction.

I found a bench and sat down. Deep in thought, an orderly walked up on me later and startled me.

"Mr. LaSalle? He asked. I nodded. "Your brother was asking about you. You can find him and his guest on the other side of the building. If you follow that sidewalk there, it will take you right to them."

I was in no rush to get there. They both greeted me warmly. Sonja told me that she had a gotten me a roast beef sandwich. I begged off telling her that I wasn't that hungry. I tried to look past her warm smile but could only focus on her sweet lips and how I really wanted them to meet mine.

We did the small talk thing, and then Cade spoke and took control of the conversation.

"Sonja Percy? Why are you here? Percy had the oddest look on her face and was clearly blindsided by Cade's next words. "You are here Percy because you love my brother" Percy's mouth quickly falls open and a look of embarrassment swept over her face.

"And then Percy, there is my knuckleheaded brother who is so in love with you that his head remains in the clouds every time he speaks your name.

So I am going back to my room today after I tell you both to fix this situation and do it quickly. We do not live forever!"

Love Knows No BoundryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora