Chapter 5 -- The Healing

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Clearly astonished, it took both Percy and I a minute to gather our thoughts. I looked Percy straight in the face as her expression turned to embarrassment.

"So I have that look too Percy don't I? What time does your plane leave I asked?"

"About 7 she replies. "I was planning on going to see your mother before I went to the airport."

"Give me a second. Hello momma. Would you mind if I took your time with Percy today? Cade thinks that we should talk."

"No, son. I agree. "Take it all."

"Okay momma. I'll stop by after Percy boards her plane."

"Come on City Mouse. I know a real quiet place on the other side of the grounds."

We laughed and talked for hours. The longer we spoke, the less the physical distance became between us. Finally I put my arm on the bench and she moved right next to my heart. A perfect fit I thought.

A pause finally happened. I looked her straight in the eye. "So now what Percy? Silence. Percy I learned more about you this afternoon than I did in the two years that we were partners. I wish we could stay here another day."

"Well Chris you're always welcome in D.C. but I have to warn you that I never know when or where I will be deployed to."

"So how does the next two weeks look" I ask?

"I know that I am here next week but I can't even commit to two weeks from now Chris."

"Let's try for two weeks. I'll ask King as soon as I get in Monday morning for a leave"

"Percy." "Yes."

"Thank you." "I see the question on her face. "Thank you for loving my brother."

"Hey look, we still have an hour for you to drop by and greet momma".

Momma and Percy hug each other catching me off guard. They quickly dissolve into their own private conversation forgetting that I was even there.

"Percy you watching the time ?" I finally speak up. "You still have to secure your weapon."

"Okay" she says as she goes to wave at momma. "Child you better come over here and give me a proper hug." Momma says.

As we get into our separate vehicles I tell Percy "I'll meet you at the screening point."

I arrive thirty minutes later to see Percy clearing her weapon then signing the paperwork.

Done, she comes around the counter and says "I'm at gate B2. We walk hand in hand then patiently wait the call for her boarding. Percy waited to be the last one to board. The boarding agent had upgraded her seat to First Class. Finally she turned to me to kiss me lightly on the lips. I just kept my arms at my sides. I knew Percy. Not too much or she will run like a rabbit.

I shyly waive as she walks down the walkway and turns the corner moving out of sight.

I wait to watch the aircraft push away from the gate, then turn to go find my truck. Back at the home place momma tells me "I can warm up some of the deer you had yesterday. Sounds good momma I haven't eaten much today.

With my belly full, I found myself secure in my childhood bed. What a day I thought to myself. Who would have thought?

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