Chapter 10 -- Etcetera

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Thursday night we went out to eat and ended up right back in Sonja's bed. I found it difficult to leave her Friday morning. I did not quite understand it myself.

As soon I got to the building, I made a beeline to a computer and changed my Sunday night flight to a 6:50 a.m. red eye. I knew I couldn't miss one minute with her.

Friday drug on. We were really done at noon but had to sit through a formal lunch with the Undersecretary of the Navy and the NCIS Director. I made sure that I sat towards the back and scurried out the door as soon as the color guard detail moved toward the exit.

I couldn't wait to get back to the condo. I had changed my clothes and impatiently waited for Sonja.

We had planned to go to the Mall for the afternoon. The grounds were empty according to D.C. standards. There were no large scale events planned that weekend. We walked and talked and laughed. Sometimes holding hands other times with my arm around her. We stayed just long enough to be back at her place as darkness fell. From her balcony we could see the lights of the City.

"I got a new assignment today" Percy said quietly. "I leave Tuesday. That's all I can say" While my mind understood, my heart began to pound. I hated the thought of her being in danger without me being there to have her back.

We got up just before noon on Saturday. She asked me to carry her empty bags into the other bedroom. "Don't look at me like that Chris. This is what I do." I knew it but it did not make it any easier as I watched her open them and place a sheet of paper containing her packing list into each one.

"Come on" she said "Let's catch a shower" I don't exactly know how hot the water was but it was a steamy experience. Back in her bed we made love like it would be the last time that we would ever see each other.

We had dinner out and found a secluded booth. Side by side I determined if we had been any closer that we would have had to merge as one.

We stayed in Sunday eating left overs for lunch and dinner after I cooked breakfast.

Sunday afternoon found us both packing. Sonja brought me a small wrapped box. "Here" she said. "Open this Tuesday morning"

While we talked and laughed, we made no plans for the future.

Sonja took me to the airport. Because she had a badge, she was able to walk me to the gate. We kissed and hugged and I watched as she bravely held on to her tears.

I heard the flight attendant say something to the gate guard and heard the door to the plane slam shut. He walked over to my seat and handed me something and then grabbed the mic and started in on his flight instructions. "Welcome to United Flight..."

I turned my attention to the envelope in my hand. I recognized Sonja's hand writing immediately. "Dear Christopher. The last few days have been the best days of my life. Please stay safe. I love you, Sonja.

Sonja and I did not put a name to what we are, were or whatever. I just decided that she was the woman that I was seeing. I am the one who decided that I would not see other women, at least for the present.

When I got up Tuesday, I came across the box. I sat down to open it. In it I found two pill bottles with cotton balls. The first had been scented with Sonja's perfume. The second was drenched with her shampoo. There was also a snack sized bag with pieces of her soap. I smiled and sat them on my dresser.

I never knew when she would 'appear. Six weeks later a courier showed up. He handed me an envelope which included an open ticket to Denver and a brochure for a hotel in Breckenridge. A few days later there was a phone call from Sonja. "So do you think that you can get away Country Mouse?" "Let me get back to you" Fortunately it worked out. We rode the train to top of Pikes Peak... This is the view that Katharine Lee Bates had as she wrote the words to 'Oh Beautiful.' Holding on to each other tightly while walking slowly, which is the only way speed that you can walk at that altitude, we enjoyed the splendor of the mountain.

I wanted to go to the candy factory. Sonja encouraged me to go to it but refused to go inside. "That's not fair Chris" She told me. "I loved chocolate as a kid but I can't tell you the last time that I had a piece."

Parting that early Tuesday morning was extremely difficult. Ever the strong Sonja, I did see a couple of tears escape her eyes. She sent me a Patti LaBelle song entitled 'If Only You Knew.' On my phone as we sat on the tarmac. "Hey Chris, I was too chicken to tell you this to your face". I listened, smiled, and then wiped away the tear sliding down my own cheek.

One night I left the office late to look up to see a blue light tailing me. "Good evening officer" A female officer asked for my license and registration. "Do you know who I am" I said as I watched her partner from my side mirror. "Yes Agent LaSalle." "Then you know that I'm armed right." "Yes. It occurred to me. But we're doing a 100% check tonight" "So do you have your weapon in the glove compartment?" "Yes, my side arm is in there." "Then how about just your license. Alright, thank you she says as she hands it back to. And you have a good night 'Butch' she says with a smirk. Damn you Sonja Percy I say under my breath.

I woke up early on my birthday or should I say that I was awakened. I knew it had to be momma or Cade. Don't get smart with me young man. I stayed in labor way too many hours for you to act like I'm bothering you. Happy Birthday son" "Thank you Momma"

About 11 I saw Ms. Loretta come through the door. Oh well, here we go I thought. Soon she was joined by Triple P. The five of them found some way to be around my desk. Suddenly this woman appeared in a totally oversized Navy shirt and what seemed like a few seconds was joined by a wide array of people. It was a flash mob. They proceed to sing the Stevie Wonder version of 'Happy Birthday.' We all laughed and cried through the entire thing. As we clapped four of them held up signs that spelled out 'Happy Birthday Country Mouse'. While I may not have known where she was that day, I knew where her heart was at.

Christmas came quickly. Sonja was able to meet me at momma's farm two days later. She had spent the holiday at home with her family but called me first thing that morning to wish me Merry Christmas and to grill me about the office holiday meal. Unbeknownst to me, Tammy had sent her pictures of me trying to join in on the party as I missed her. Unbeknownst to her, her sister had sent me a tape from her family event. Asked why she was so quiet, she explained. "I miss him." Him, meaning me. "I have tried so hard not to fall in love with that man but it doesn't seem to be working" So Miss Sonja, you love me I say out loud. That's nothing I continue it seems that I have loved you forever.

I felt like a giddy school boy getting on that plane to go home. Christmas day momma walked down to the creek with me. I thought it odd until she started talking. "So what are you going to do son" "Do momma" "Yes, do about the woman?"

I took a long deep breath. "Honestly momma I don't know. We live half way across the country from each other. She's carved out a wonderful career for herself. She can't talk about what she does, but when I am around her and her co-workers at afterhours events, I can see the respect that she is given. We have a mutual acquaintance who told me "Look Agent LaSalle, I can't give you details but I can tell you this, that friend of yours has saved hundreds, if not thousands of American lives".

I almost missed the turn off to the airport so lost in thought. As a part of our regular routine where one of us flies, we had to retrieve Percy's weapon.

I open my door to lay down Sonja's suit case in the back seat. She took two steps toward me as I pulled her the rest of the way in to my arms. "I missed you Country Mouse" she quietly says. "I missed you more" I respond. We stood there for the longest time. I never wanted to move from that spot or her embrace.

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