Chapter 6 -- Homeward Bound

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I sit here smiling to myself. There is truly joy in my heart. Unexpected bliss from finding myself so close to a man who I have always deeply respected but feared at the same time.

From the first time he ever hugged me, I knew that I could fiercely love this man. I also knew then that I could never allow myself to get that close to him again. For months I ran from Christopher LaSalle. And then the day came when I knew I had no one else that I could trust to save me.

My frantic call from jail found him at the other end of the telephone. While not fully able to calm me down, the strength of his voice allowed me to focus and develop a plan to get me out of 'gen pop' and into isolation. I learned later on that Chris was able to advocate on my behalf and get me out of jail.

Unfortunately the following weeks and months were difficult as I wished that we could explore a possibility that he shot down. For weeks thinking over his rejection of me made me angry and I refused to just be his friend.

In the end my wrath began to subside only to be replaced by hurt and bitterness so I began to formulate a plan to remove myself from the situation.

Fate was kind and I found myself offered this wonderful opportunity of adventure and professional fulfillment.

In spite of my keeping Cade LaSalle my life, I never thought that I would see his brother back in my life. The last 48 hours have just been mind blowing

So now what girlfriend? I guess he'll come out in a few weeks. You can show him around, watch him go back to New Orleans and await a new assignment.

I look up to see a couple across the aisle sweetly kiss and lean back as I hope someday to find a man who deeply loves me as much as I want to love someone.


I honestly don't know what to think. I had no idea that my heart would open up to Sonja Percy in this way in just 48 hours.

I was just shocked to learn that she has kept in contact with Cade all these months. Then even more shocked at Cade's assessment of her and her suspected feelings about me. And while Sonja has allowed me to lightly hold her and even kiss her a couple of times; I sensed it more out of a deep friendship than that of a completely romantic overture.

What am I missing here? It doesn't seem reasonable for me to think in that manner now. She lives half way across the country.

But I can't let go of her reaction to me finding her there. She actually trembled in my arms when we hugged at the restaurant. She shook like a little kid who had gotten caught shop lifting in a store and didn't know what was going to happen next. This is why I took the chance to hug her tightly just before she got on that plane an hour ago. I meant it when I told her not to be afraid to come to me for anything.

I had thought long and hard and am jarred by a hard landing from my dream.

Oh my what a dream. I'm playing T-ball with a little boy. As I tried to help him swing, he squeals 'no daddy, me daddy'. He wanted to swing the bat for himself and there goes the ball. I looked up to see my brother Cade chasing the ball. As Cade chases the little boy, I realized that I knew this place. It was the meadow at momma's farm.

From behind me I heard a woman's voice. "You fellows about ready for some lemonade?" I turned around to see a beautiful blond carrying a tray. Behind her was another person and when she came from behind the tree, I realized that it was Sonja. She appeared to be about four or five months pregnant. The little boy who I realized to be my son ran up to Sonja and wrapped his arms around Sonja's legs and exclaimed "did you see me mommy? I hit the ball really far."

The plane got noisy as everyone began to gather their belongings and turn on their devices.

Still groggy from my nap, I found my way down the aisle then to the main hallway. I looked around to find the gate for my connecting flight to 'Nola'.

Seated on the new flight lost in thought, I realized we were finally airborne. My attention had returned to my dream but I was interrupted by the flight attendant. Well, I thought to myself, I need something stronger than a beer and ordered a 'Johnny Walker'.

Deep in thought I returned to my dream. There was a point where Sonja came over and wrapped her arms around my neck as I sat atop a picnic table. "Oh" she exclaimed. I looked over to her. "Here Butch" she said as she took my hand. "Your daughter is dancing hard." A smile came over my face as I could feel the baby kick inside her belly.

Well this just keeps getting more and more interesting I think.

The Atlanta leg of the flight went by quickly. I landed and secured my weapon. The next thing I realized I was that I was at the house.

Laundry all done, I texted Percy that I had made it home safely and had spoken with Cade a few minutes ago.

I drifted off to sleep wondering what other pleasant dreams awaited me.

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