Chapter 7 - A Capitol View

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My desk was full when I returned on Monday. King had been whisked away to some secret location. I had no idea when he would return. I kept my head buried and finally picked up the last new information out of the bottom of my 'in box' late Tuesday afternoon.

I came in Wednesday morning a little early to talk with King before the rest of the team made it in. He still wasn't back yet. I heard the side door open about 30 minutes later and looked up to see King walk in grim faced loaded down with his baggage.

"Good morning Chris. I was just going to cook us all breakfast. Why don't you come in and keep me company."

"Hey King, before everyone gets here I want to ask you about taking a four day weekend next week."

"Well usually that's not a problem for me Chris, but as you will learn shortly, we have a mission coming up and we'll all need to focus for the next 30 days. "

Deflated, I settled in to halfway hear King talk about Laurel's new apartment.

Slowly the team files in. "All right" King says "looks like we're all here. I don't think we will need Loretta on this mission.

Let me introduce John Littleton from NOPD. He will be our liaison for this project."

King carefully describes the mission points.

"So Christopher you will be in D.C. next week to work with operatives from ATF. Get your travel arranged. Here are the details of where you need to report on Monday morning. You may have to leave early to get a reasonably priced seat. I'm only going to approve a First Class seat if that's your only option, okay?"

After several questions, King dismisses us.

"Alright LaSalle. What's up? You look like the cat that swallowed the canary." I just keep walking. I could still feel Gregorio's eyes on me.

An hour later, Tammy is in front of my desk. I look up after I hear her clear her throat. Coffee mugs in hand she sternly says "outside, right now. What's up with you LaSalle?"

"Me, nothing. Just trying to get my travel arrangements finished."

"LaSalle, you were humming and you have that silly grin on your face."

"Okay, Okay" I respond "you got me. I hate you being a profiler. I will only tell you if you give me your word that you will not tell anyone."

I could hardly contain myself anyway. Tammy or Cade were the only two people I could tell this to. I told her what had transpired the past month with Cade, Percy and me. "I came in this morning hoping to get a four day weekend to spend with Percy" "And now you have the whole week!" Tammy spouts off. "Nine days Tammy. I just made my plane reservations."

"Plus." "Plus what?" "Percy just texted me the address and phone number of an extended stay hotel but then offered her guest bedroom as an option."

"No wonder you can hardly hid that grin. Well, you better tap it down unless you want Triple P on your back for an answer too."

I tried to be patient for Friday to come. Finally airborne late Friday morning, I drift off to sleep.

The captain came on to tell us to fasten our seat belts. The first leg to Atlanta was done. Then I got nervous on the second flight. Just one more hour. I must have practiced what I was going to say to her a dozen times only to get a text from her after we landed. "See you at the weapons desk. I'll explain later"

One of the flight attendants decided that she want to flirt and offered me a vacant First Class seat. "So what brings you to the Capitol Agent LaSalle" she sweetly asked? Oh, I'm flying in to see my girlfriend." Her smile soon faded as she realized she had made a failed attempt at a possible after landing free drink.

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