I Will

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I made sure my riffle was in the duffle bag as I walked into my apartment.

"Did you actually go through with this?" Eliot asked. He was laying on the couch with Noel on his chest, fast asleep. "She wouldn't listen." I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her and him.

"Um. Yeah. I did go through with it. No bullets, no witnesses, nothing." I went back to my room and put my riffle up.

"She has a fever, Skye." Eliot said as I walked back into the living room.

"I need to take her to the hospital." I put my hands on the back of my head.

"I'll go with you."

"I'm gonna put you in the hospital one of these days, Eliot." I grumbled under my breath and picked Noel up.

About two hours later, Noel was hooked up to a heart monitor and different things in the hospital room I was staying with her in. Eliot went to tell Nate and them what I was doing and why I hadn't answered my phone all day. And I think Eliot fell asleep because he left about a half hour ago.

"Ms. Lee?" Doctor Cyrus walked in.

"Yeah." I stood up from my seat on the chair beside Noel's bed. It was almost two in the morning.

"Noel's Leukemia is back. The number of white blood cell counts is too high and she's too weak for any treatments."

"What- What do you mean?" I crossed my arms.

"Noel is dying, Skylar." Cyrus put a hand on my shoulder and I instinctively pushed it off. "She can stay on the monitors until she passes by herself." Cyrus quietly left.

My baby was dying?

"Mommy?" Noel's voice was quiet. She hadn't even learned to speak fully, she could only say mommy, daddy, and Lacey.

"I'm right here, baby." I walked over to her bed side and brushed her brunette hair back. "I love you." My eyes began to water as I looked into her sage green eyes, the same as mine.

"Skye?" Eliot walked into the room.

"Go back to sleep, baby." I kissed her forehead. Her eyes started to close and she was asleep again in a matter of seconds. I stood up and crossed my arms, turning my back to Eliot.

"What's wrong, Skylar?" He walked over to me and put a hand on my hip.

"Her Leukemia is back. She's dying." I looked out of the window, avoiding his blue eyes. My own were watering and I felt myself struggle to hold back the tears.

"Is she okay?" Parker asked from behind us.

"Yeah. Noel's okay." I quickly rubbed my eyes and turned around to them, but looked at Noel instead.

"I meant you, Skye." Parker whispered.

"I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry, Skylar." Sophie hugged me tightly. Honestly, she was the closest thing I have to a mother-like relationship.

"I'm here for you if you need anything, Skye." Hardison was the next to hug me, then Parker.

"I can get you anything, seriously." She whispered in my ear. I nodded and Nate hugged me next.

"All of us are here for you, Skye." He rubbed my back.

"Can you watch Noel for me? I have to talk to someone." I said, walking backwards towards the door.

"Sure thing." Parker smiled.

"Go with her Eliot." Nate said. I knew he knew who I was going to talk to.

"Its fine, Nate. I can talk to Damien by myself." I shook my head.

"I don't want you to be driven by anger. He's just going as a precaution for your safety."

"His safety is gonna be gone when I'm done with him." I glared at Eliot as he walked towards me.

"You're in trouble, big guy." Hardison chuckled and patted Eliot's shoulder.

"Oh yeah. Big guy's in big trouble." I speed walked out of the room, knowing he'd follow me.

"By the way, I like the way your ass looks when you walk like that." Eliot put his arm around me as we walked into an elevator.

"I'm going to talk to Damien, but not in person. He may as well not give me the money. I just killed an innocent family." My voice cracked.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Skye." Eliot said quietly.

"Right. I'll shoot Moreau instead-"

"No you won't."

"How about Colin, Chris Kringle, Chaos? Crap, what ever the hell he calls himself. I can just shoot him." I mumbled under my breath as we walked out of the elevator. A cop was standing with his back to me in the waiting room. I grinned and bit my lip. My hand slipped to where he kept his taser and I managed to take it without him realizing it. I put it in my pocket, that's when Eliot realized what I did.

"You honestly don't care if you go to jail, do you?" He asked loudly as we walked out to the streets.

"Nope. Not exactly. I can find a way out. I have friends on the inside." I grinned. I took the taser out of my pocket and pressed the button, making the blue light thingy show.

"Give me that until we get back to your apartment." Eliot took it from me.

I went out to the front of the hospital and called Damien.

"How did it go, babe?"

"How'd it go? I fucking killed a family and Noel's dying, Damien! I'm so fucking done with this. You know I don't do that anymore!"

"You did it for No-"

"She's not even going to live to her next birthday, Damien!"

"Don't yell at me, Skylar-"

"No! I will fucking yell at you if I want! You piss me off so much, D-"

"That's enough." Eliot took my phone and ended the call.

"Go to hell, Eliot." I pushed him back and went back into the hospital.

"I feel like I'm already there with you, Skye." He followed behind me. Noel was awake when I got to her room.

"Mommy." She smiled, but it looked like she was weak.

"Hey, sweetie." I walked over to her bedside and brushed my hand through her thin hair.

"Skylar? We have a job." Nate said quietly.

"I'll stay with her, if you can take up on my part." Parker sadly smiled, her hands were together in front of her. I smiled to her but looked back to Nate.

"Do you guys seriously need me?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"If anything happens, Parker, call me." I patted her shoulder.

"I will." She smiled.

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