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"Eliot's coming in now. He'll be a few ways down from you." Nate announced. I pretended Eliot didn't exist for a few minutes while he stayed in his seat. "Now Quinn's coming in and he's going to flirt with you, Skye. Be easy and don't show any hostility."

"Why does it have to be-"

"Skye, one of them is coming towards you." Eliot cut me off.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a sip of the drink the bartender had placed in front of me.

"Hey, gorgeous." I looked over to see one of the guys sitting beside me.

"Hi." I giggled, brushing my hair back. Oh how I hated fake flirting.

"Why are you here alone? A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone in this side of town."

"My. . . boyfriend is stupid." I shrugged. Eliot grunted from down the bar.

"Oh. Well then, princess, do you want to hang out with me and my buddies?"

"Um, sure." I nodded with a smile, taking his hand to the table he was at before. "He called me princess, Eliot."

"Yeah you should grab his crotch too." Quinn mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sat beside the man.

"Now you have to get this guy to take you home, Skylar." Nate said. I nodded and glanced over to Eliot. He winked at me and smiled a little. My eyes were quickly brought back to the man beside me when his hand went to my thigh. Oh hell. I'm going to kill somebody.

"What's your name, babe?" The man asked.

". . . Kayla. . .?" I replied, though it sounded like I asked it.

"Kayla, huh? That's a nice name." The man chuckled. His hand on my thigh wasn't going to work out. The dress was too short and I wasn't comfortable. He wasn't attractive either so it was hard to let him touch me.

"I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." I got up and nonchalantly went towards the bathrooms. "There's no way in hell I'm doing this, Nate. I'm sorry but he's ugly, his breath smells like he ate ass for breakfast, and he's touching me. If he was hot I'd totally let him touch me-"

"Really, Skylar?" Eliot was leaning against the wall next to the door to the girl's bathroom.

"I can't do it." I shook my head and went into the bathroom. Eliot followed me, locking the door behind him.

"Do you have any other plans? Anyone?" Nate sounded irritated. Perfect.

"I have one." Eliot took his earpiece out then took mine out and kissed me. "You can do it, Skye. Once we're done with this job, you can take as long of a break as you want." I shook my head closing my eyes as I rubbed my temples. "What's wrong?"

"I'm her mother, Eliot. She died not even a week ago and I haven't cried about it." I whispered, my eyes were watering. "Does that mean I have no heart?"

"Skye, of course that doesn't mean it." Eliot brought his arms around me. "We need to get this done, Skylar."

"I-I can't, Eliot." I shook my head. My mind was running a hundred miles a second and I couldn't think straight.

"Okay. Come on. Me and Quinn can handle it." Eliot gave me back my earpiece and put his back in.

He kept his arm around me as we walked out of the bar and to Hardison's van.

"Oh damn. Is she crying?" I heard Quinn mumbled. As I was about to turn around and punch him, Eliot stopped me by holding both of my hands.

"She's almost having an anxiety attack, Nate. Keep an eye on her." Eliot said.

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