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Jimin and Yoongi had been together for 3 years. 3 long years of nothing but equal love and respect for each other. At least that's what Yoongi told himself when Jimin came home with fresh hickeys at 3 am, claiming his boyfriend had made them without remembering it. 3 years of Yoongi forgiving Jimin every time and ending up blaming himself.

"Hey babe? I wanna take you out tonight. Just you and me to your favorite restaurant. I feel like we haven't gotten to hang out much lately" Jimin's words were true, the couple had barley seen each other in a very long time and even less had gotten the time to actually spend time together. So Jimin needed no more than to say those words to make Yoongi the happiest.

"Really? When are we going Jiminie?" The older asked with eyes almost sparkling with excitement making Jimin chuckle at his cuteness.

"Whenever you're ready babe. Now go change, you look like shit" and unfortunately, Yoongi couldn't tell if his boyfriend was joking or not.

Nevertheless Yoongi sprinted towards their shared bedroom to make himself look at his best for his boyfriend. That's right: his boyfriend whom he loved and was loved by. Yoongi could not believe he ever doubted his boyfriend, you could think that after 3 years he would've trusted Jimin by now.

Yoongi stood in front of the mirror in an oversized hoodie and ripped jeans which Jimin just told him to change out of and tried to think of a more appropriate outfit for tonight. But the poor boy realized he had no idea where they were even going or what was appropriate clothes. Yoongi wanted to ask Jimin, but at the same time he didn't wanna bother him. Or was it because Jimin was on the phone and Yoongi was afraid that if he overheard the conversation he'd hear something he didn't wanna hear.

So instead the ravenette reached into his wardrobe,  trashing through it to find something casual but not too casual so it could also look formal enough for a little fancier restaurant but not too fancy for McDonald's. After a while he stumbled upon a black button up and an idea popped into his head.

Yoongi threw the shirt onto the bed as he looked for a pair of white dress pants. When they were found he wasted no time in getting changed into the new clothes. He topped the whole outfit with a white hat on his head.

"black and white." He mumbled as he looked himself in the mirror while turning around to make sure he didn't look too bad at any angle. "Formal. But not too formal." With a final look in the mirror and a quick nod to himself he made his way out of the bedroom and to Jimin. His boyfriend.

"I'm done, Jimin" Yoongi spoke with a shy smile when said boy didn't seem to notice him. Jimin took one look at his lover and smiled widely.

"You look wonderful, babe. Shall we go?"

And so the two made their way out to Jimin's car, which Yoongi had no idea how he could even afford, to their date. One would even believe this was a healthy couple at first glance.

After a 20 minutes car drive the two had arrived at their destination. It was a small Italian restaurant cause Jimin knew how much Yoongi loved international food. Said boy's eyes lit up at the sight of the cozy looking restaurant but didn't get much time to as Jimin knocked aggressively on the car window, signalling to his boyfriend that it was indeed time to go.

"God you really are  slow babe, I've made an reservation and you know how much I hate being late" to which Yoongi knew nothing else than to just nod, scolding himself in his head for upsetting his boyfriend.

"Sorry, Chim" he mumbled as he reached for the other's hand. Jimin only sighed slightly and dragged Yoongi into the restaurant.

"Hello my name is Yuna, what can I get you this evening?" Their waitress was pretty. Super pretty. She was quite short and had a light brown hair up in a pony tail. Her face was cute and round. She was more beautiful than Yoongi ever could be in his own mind.

"Yeah we'll both have the panzenella along with some focaccia bread please" Jimin flashed a beautiful smile to the girl who blushed slightly making Yoongi pout not so secretly.

"And to drink, sir?" "Just water, please" Jimin winked at the cute waitress this time, which Yoongi did not see. An idea popped into his head.

"Actually" Yoogni started. "I think I'll have a beer" He challenged Jimin, looking straight at him making Jimin glare back.

"No he's not we'll both have water and that's final" he spoke in a low voice through gritted teeth. The poor waitress looked torn.

"So.. Two panzenellas and two waters?" She asked carefullt with confusion lazed all over her face making Jimin chuckle. What he did next, though, made Yoongi fume with anger.

"Yes. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't look so confused" He replied, shamelessly flirting.

"Uh I'm sorry sir but I have a boyfriend" She hung her head in... shame? Yoongi couldn't tell. He simply hated this girl.

"Yeah. And so do you, Jimin" Yoongi scoffed making his boyfriend glare at him.

"No no, I didn't mean it like that, princess. I, myself, am here with my date. Don't worry about that"

The waitress didn't seem to know what to say and just walked off into the kitchen with their order, Jimin following her with his gaze.

When Jimin finally turned his attention back to his boyfriend he noticed said boyfriend pouting cutely making the younger groan in annoyance. "Babe c'mon don't be like that" he tried to grab for his boyfriend's hand but Yoongi moved it away before he could.

"Jimin, you flirted with her RIGHT in front of me" Yoongi didn't really feel angry, mostly hurt.

"Don't be like that-"

"But how can I not be like that? You're MY boyfriend, not hers." Yoongi almost yelled out, covering his mouth with his hand shortly after. Jimin was fuming with anger.

"No you don't get to be like that. Why do you think we're here, huh? We're here because I love you. Not some slut in some restaurant. Don't you think it hurts me when you're always doubting me? You're not the only one who hurts Yoongi, so stop act like it. Now, let's enjoy dinner, okay?" Jimin seemed to calm down towards the end of his speech, looking over at a ashamed looking Yoongi.

"You're right. I'm sorry Chim I overreacted. I love you"

And once again, Yoongi was blamed for Jimin's mistakes.

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