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Yoongi felt done, so done with life.

Jimin was never home, it's been a week since they properly spoke. And Yoongi was done, with Jimin. He knew he loved Jimin with all his heart, that was what made it so hard for him to leave because he couldn't ever imagine a life without him. And even if Yoongi did leave his boyfriend, he was quite scared of how Jimin might react. What if he explodes and yells and screams and Yoongi ends up staying anyway? What if Jimin gets so mad he kills him? Yoongi was scared, and he knew he shouldn't have to be scared of his own boyfriend. He was facing a decision even he wasn't sure if he would ever be able to make. It was as if he was standing with two guns pointed at him and one was loaded and the other wasn't and he had to chose one. It was an impossible decision to make, yet it would prove to be one of the most important ones he'd ever have to make.

Right then, right there Yoongi decided he wanted out. He decided he was worth more than this, he was worth love and affection and Jimin wasn't giving him that anymore. In a matter of seconds he had Jungkook on the line and said the words he never thought he'd say ever.
"Jungkook, come get me. Please"
"Why honey what's wrong? Did he do something again"
"No, kookie. I don't know... I just don't want to be with him anymore. I'm getting my things and moving in with you, like you wanted me to"
"Of course Yoongi, I'll be there in ten. Stay on the line with me" in the background Yoongi could hear Jungkook running around looking for something, his shoes probably.
"Okay" it was the only thing Yoongi could say, or rather whisper. He hated himself for this. For leaving Jimin.

But instead Yoongi put his AirPods (don't come at me) in his ears and his phone in his pocket, so that he would still be able to talk to Jungkook, and started packing his clothes. Yoongi moved through the apartment in silence, he couldn't believe what he was doing. Was he really doing this? The small boy didn't grab much, since he didn't know which things that he could claim as his and which things were Jimin's. You see, even when Yoongi was only 6 minutes from freedom he couldn't help but be scared of his boyfriend, if you could even call him that. He was scared what he might do to him. It was like a built in function. Jimin had ruined him.

Yoongi and Jungkook continued to small talk as one drove and the other packed his things. They talked about work, flowers, anything to distract Yoongi from what was happening and what he was leaving behind. The fragile male took his single suitcase down from his bedroom towards the front door to wait for his savior. That's when it happened. What couldn't happen. In the silence you could hear keys jingle from the hallway and the door handle turn. Yoongi was frozen in his place. Jimin was home. Why was Jimin home right now?

The boy didn't stand a chance when Jimin opened the front door with a large smile on his face. His gaze landed on the suitcase in Yoongi's hand, his smile disappeared instantly. He tried to laugh it off.
"Babe, why do you have a suitcase. What haven't you told me?"
Yoongi didn't know what to say, he just looked down to his feet, and heard a frantic Jungkook ask what's going on in his ear.
Jimin got fed up with his boyfriend and grabbed both his shoulders roughly and almost screamed in his face.
"Fucking answer me you dumb whore"
Yoongi started stumbling over his own words as Jimin's piercing eyes gnawed at him. He couldn't find the words to say. With Jimin in his face demanding an answer and Jungkook in his ear telling him he's on his way.
"I- uhm I was just- I eh" he couldn't get the words out, the words he had practiced over and over again in his head.
"You thought you could leave me did you? For who? That slut Jungkook?" There came the first slap. Yoongi held his cheek in pain as tears glazed his eyes.
"You know he's just using you right? He probably thinks you're an easy target, someone to have sex with. He doesn't love you, he never will. I am the only one that will ever love you. And you should be damn thankful I do, who would ever love a fat slut like you? I have never done anything but love you, and this is how you repay me? HUH?" At this point Jimin was shaking in anger, you could practically see smoke coming out of his ears. Yoongi didn't know what to do. He, too, was shaking but in fear as he both tried to take in Jimin's harsh words, and listen to Jungkook's soothing voice in his ear telling him it will all be fine and that his boyfriend was lying.

Where the fuck was he? He should've been there.

"I'm sorry Jiminie I- I love you but-but I can't-" "you can't what? You can't take the tough love I give you? Do you have some fantasy that love is always butterflies and rainbows?" Another harsh slap was landed on Yoongi's cheek. "Well reality check babe it's fucking not. And if you can't accept my love, then you're going to have to be without it for the rest of your worthless life" It felt like hours. It was like Jimin's rant would never stop and Yoongi just wanted to put his hands over his ears and not listen anymore. Where was Jungkook?

Just as the thought crossed Yoongi's mind, the door was slammed open. There stood Jungkook with a darkened gaze. He looked so angry that Yoongi was almost afraid of him. Almost.
"I suggest you step the fuck away from him, punk"

Looks like I've risen from the dead. I read a few comments wanting me to update so here it is, ily all. Also this is not edited or proof written so idk what kinda spelling errors or grammatical mistakes there are I just had a writing flow so here take an update

(ps I read all your comments and they all warm my heart)

WITHOUT HIM 。・゚゚・   MYG+PJM / MYG+JJKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora