Hi guys

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Hello guys I am just about to publish chapter two but there's some things I need to bring up first.

First, this book has over 100 reads ALREADY and it's crazy thank you SO much it honestly means the world to me that so many people already have heard a bit of my story.

Secondly, new need to talk about something important. I've read countless books here on wattpad that brings up rape and who actually writes the rape scene. And I think it's good that it's talked about since it is such a big issue in today's society. But writing the actual rape actually bothers me a bit. Especially when the author knows nothing about how it is. They don't know what it feels like, what you think. Personally, I don't like to tell people how to write and what to write and yada yada. But this is something so personal and close to me that I feel like I NEED to say this. And to think that some authors on here romanizes rape makes me sick to my stomach. There is NOTHING about rape that is forgivable. If someone hurts you in a sexual ways or do sexual things to you without your consent NO MATTER if it felt good or not. Because frankly, having sex feels good after a while, that's just the way the human body works but that doesn't mean that you enjoyed it. Just because someone moaned in the middle of being raped, doesn't mean they fucking want it. BECAUSE RAPE IS NEVER FUCKING OKAY. Forcing someone to sexual activities is unforgivable and no excuse is good enough. So books in which one main character rapes the other and then they fall in love or are forgiven after a sob story of "but I was abused when I was a child" because that FUCKING sucks for you but it doesn't justify bringing your pain into someone else. Or when the excuse is "but it felt good" is a big fat NO. Because this is what normalizes rape in real life, it teaches young girls and boys that it's okay and that their rapists deserves to be forgiven. STOP ROMANTICIZING RAPE!!

I was raped once, I've been sexually assaulted more times than I can keep track off and it just makes me so ANGRY when people in stories tries to even try to understand what that feels like and even have the guts to make rape seem like something that isn't a big deal when it fucking is.

I'm sorry guys I'm not usually angry I'm almost always happy but this is just something that hurts me personally every time I see it.

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