Chapter one

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Third person POV

The E class was going as per usual, Koro-Sensei was standing at the front and centre of the classroom, his back turned to the class, but none of the students had any ideas to kill Koro-Sensei and save the world. This was one of the rarer currencies, the classroom was quiet, apart from Koro-Sensei, the chalk on the broad and the sound of pens on paper.

But there was someone, more worried about the cute blue-haired boy, rather than the lesson, and that someone was, Karma, the most recent addition to the classroom, but the one who was the closest to succeed, yet. Karma was watching the blue-haired boy, or better known as Nagisa.

The boy didn't look like anything was wrong with him, but Karma could sense that something was wrong, he couldn't put his finger on it but he just knew something was off.

The next day was almost like the other day, except for the fact that Nagisa wasn't in, and he usually is in, and the same thing happened the day after that, this just made Karma worry more, and because of this the redhead decides to go check on the blue-haired boy, straight after school.

But what Karma doesn't know is that Nagisa is really badly hurt, he has a black eye and an ankle brace, also that the blue-haired boy was home alone.

When Karma knock on the door, Nagisa manages to get to the door pretty quickly, and looks through the peephole, to see none other than Karma.

"Oh, he must be here to give me homework that, I've missed," Nagisa thought, "Koro-Sensei would never let anyone miss out on valuable learning time."

Hello everybody, long time no-new-book, thought I'd do something new.
Well, I hope you all have a good night/morning/afternoon/evening!

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