Chapter ten

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Third Person POV

The Redhead knew that he had to leave in a few days for a job he was hired to do.

"Babe, I'm leaving in a few, going on another mission," the taller man told the other.

"Really, already? But you just got back," the shorter man said, disappointed that he'd have to be alone again, for who knows how long.

"Well, we could go out on a date and have some fun, to make the most out of the rest of the time I'm still here," the redhead suggested, using a soft tone no one but the bluehead hears.

Eagerly, Nagisa nodded, he loved the idea of them going on a date, they haven't done it in so long.

That evening, they went to a fancy restaurant for their date, the atmosphere was extremely romantic, they were sat at a small table for two, with a rose and a candle in the middle, there was romantic music playing and there seemed to be a red glow inside. Red, the colour of love and passion.

After their romantic night out, they went back home, but as soon as the door was closed, the taller man pinned the other to the door attacking his lips with a passionate kiss, sending all his lust and love to the man he wishes to marry someday. Karma pulled the shorter closer by his hips, while the other snaked his arms around the back of the redhead's neck.

Soon, the golden-eyed boy lifted the other up, to which Nagisa wrapped his legs around Karma's hips, the kiss was broken and the taller attacked the shorter's neck, carrying him to the bedroom, with little moans escaping the blue-haired man's lips.

When they got to the bedroom the taller laid the other on the bed, pulling away from the shorter's neck and pulling off both their shirts and trousers along with their boxers. Leaning over to the bedside table, the redhead pulled out a bottle of lube, he poured some of it onto his fingers, rubbing it in.

The blue-headed leaned over too, pulling out a condom, and opened it, then put it on Karma, using his mouth to pull it down to the base, making the taller groan in pleasure, however, he pushed the other back down on the bed, attaching their lips, the taller move his hand to the other's entrance, pushing a finger in.

The intrusion made Nagisa tense up a little, Karma pulled away from the kiss, moving onto his neck, making sure to leave marks, while also trying to relax the other. The shorter, finally, relax and the finger in him started to move, in and out, this made the shorter start to moan, also turn his head to give the taller more room on his neck.

Soon after the redhead added another finger, scissoring then, stretching other the other, the blue-head started to grip the bed sheets when the man with the golden eyes thought the other was stretched out enough, he pulled out his fingers, earning a soft whimper from the man under him.

Sitting up, he lined himself up, teasing the smaller a little, which earned him a grumble that turned into a moan as he pushed in, after a few seconds waiting for his lover to get used to him, he started to move slowly at first.

"K-Karma, faster," the blue-eyed man managed to moan out.

Happy to oblige, the golden-eyed man sped up his trusts, now looking for the other's prostate, once found Nagisa let loose the loudest moan yet, making Karma smirk and thrust into that same spot, speeding up.

The room was soon filled with moans and grunts, both men were in a world of pleasure and love, where they were the only people there, with all that pleasure both men reached their climax, with a loud moan from the blue-haired man, and a few more thrusts and a loud groan of pleasure from the redhead, they had both cum, one on both their cests and the other in a condom, out of breath the taller man pulled out and lied next to the shorter, cuddling, they both fell asleep.

The end?

So this is the end, for now, I might continue this, but, I'm going to end it here for now at least. If any of you have an idea for a ship for me to write about, comment about it!
And I hope you all have a great evening/night/morning/afternoon!

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