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Allison Carter sorted through her small collection of dresses and cursed herself for not keeping some of her nicer ones. She had never been a dressy kind of person, and after her last high school dance, all of her pretty dresses seemed useless just hanging there in the back of her closet. So in an effort to save closet space, she had sold or donated all but the most practical ones. Now as she looked at her small array of sun dresses and casual skirts, she wished she had kept every single one of them. Tonight was going to be perfect, and she needed to look perfect to fit the occasion.

After an extensive observation of each of her dresses, she finally settled on two of the more event appropriate ones. A dark blue pencil dress with capped sleeves, and a red A-line with lace overlay. Carefully, she laid them both on her bed and studied them. They were both pretty, but were either of them worthy of tonight? She needed a second opinion.

"Cam!!" Allison yelled down out her bedroom door. and almost immediately heard her roommate's quick footsteps approaching her room.

"What's going on?" Camille asked as she entered Allison's room, "Oh my gosh... Ally! Those are so pretty!"

Allison smiled at her enthusiasm. Camille was pretty much the best roommate anyone could ask for. She was positive, bubbly, and just the right amount of motherly. She had beautiful long blonde hair, but had recently dyed the ends a dusty blue color. Huge glasses framed her bright blue eyes and freckles scattered all over her round face. She was the walking definition of adorable. It was a wonder no boy had snatched her up yet. Allison couldn't say she was mad about it though. She didn't know what she would do if Camille wasn't her roommate.

"Thanks!" She smiled, "Which one should I wear tonight?"

"Hm..." Camille thought, "I think it depends on what tonight is? I'm guessing... date with Logan?"

"Yeah," Allison grinned, "But this one is much different then just another 'date with Logan'".

Camille raised an eyebrow in confusion and Allison held up her left hand, pointing at her empty ring finger.

"No..." Camille whispered excitedly.

""YES!" Allison squealed, "I'm getting engaged!!"

"ALLY!!" Camille joined in the squealing, "This is so exciting!!"

"I know!" Allison agreed, "But listen. You can't tell anyone. I don't think anyone is supposed to know."

"Oh ok!" Camille used her pointer finger to make a cross gesture over her chest, "But then.. How do you know?"

"Well," Allison smiled sheepishly, "I don't actually KNOW, but I'm pretty sure. We're going to Pierre's-"

"Pierre's?" Camille interrupted, "Oh that IS serious."

"I know!" Allison agreed, "AND he told me he had something VERY important that he needed to tell me."

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Tell?" She asked, her voice laced with concern, "Not ask?"

"Well..." Allison rolled her eyes exasperatedly, "He might have said 'ask', I don't remember... But just the way he said it... I'm pretty sure I know what he means."

"Well in that case..." Camille's smile returned, "I would DEFINITELY go with the red."

"That's what I was thinking." Allison picked up the dress and held it up to her body turning toward the full length mirror on the wall. She stared at her reflection for a minute and then turned to Camille.

"Is it engagement day worthy?" She asked, knitting her eyebrows together.

"Of course! It's perfect." Camille stated, "Fiancee material."

Allison laughed and set the dress down carefully on her bed next to the pile of dresses and skirts. Camille helped her pick up the reject dresses by the hangers and place them back in her small closet.

"well," Camille started, looking back at the red dress, "Should I try it on?"

"Um, duh!" Camille said, "You can't just show me a beautiful dress and then NOT put it on."

Allison grinned and shooed Camille out of the room.

"Get out." She said smiling, "I need to change."

Once Camille was out and the door was shut, Allison put on the dress.

It really was beautiful.

She grinned at herself in the mirror and practiced her surprised face. She didn't want Logan to know that she knew about the engagement. It would ruin everything!

"Allison Carter," she whispered to her reflection, getting down on one knee, "will you marry me?"

She stood up and threw a hand over her heart dramatically, "Oh Logan, of course I'll marry you!"

Hard knocking brought her back to reality.

"Are you finished yet?" Came Camille's muffled voice.

"Oh, yeah!" Allison hurriedly straitened her dress and fixed her hair. Trying not to be embarrassed by how distracted she was in her daydream, she ran to the door and threw it open.

"Ta-Da!" She spun for her roommate

Camille squealed loudly and Allison curtsied jokingly.

"Gorgeous." Camille laughed, "It really is perfect. I almost wish I was the one getting engaged."

"Well if you'd stop turning down all of your potential dates..." Allison pointed out.

"You're right." Camille agreed, "I forgot. I hate men."

"You really need to get over that." Allison rolled her eyes, but her tone hinted at laughter.

"I'm serious!" Camille insisted, "I can't believe you're leaving me for a man."

"Logan isn't like most men." Allison pointed out, "And besides, I'm not leaving just yet."

Camille sighed. 

"I guess you're right." She relented, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to start dating. I'm perfectly happy being single.

"Keep telling yourself that." Allison joked,  "hey do you know what time it is?"

"Um yeah!" Camille grinned, "Time to celebrate!!"

"Well, that too," Allison agreed, "but I mean for real."

She grabbed her phone from the bed and nearly dropped it when she saw the time.

"Oh my gosh, I'm late for class! I have to go!" She said, frantically pulling on her sneakers.

"Um are you going to wear that?" Camille asked.

Allison looked down at the dress.

"Aw shoot. No." She frantically unzipped the dress and pulled on a pair of shorts.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Camille jokingly covered her eyes.

"Sorry!" Allison apologized, and threw on a t-shirt.

"Hey what do you say we grab Coffee after your class to celebrate?" Camille wiggled her eyebrows.

"I can't," Allison frowned, "Tutoring starts today remember? I have to be there. Professor Brady is convinced that it will help me get that internship."

"Oh right," Camille's face fell, "Tomorrow then?"

"For sure." Allison smiled at her friend and grabbed her coat before opening the door into the apartment building's cramped hallway, "I'll see you later."

"Yep." Camille gave a little wave, "Later."

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