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Allison practically ran to the parking lot. She couldn't be late. Professor Brady was her only chance at the coveted London internship. She knew he had other students in mind though, so she needed to maintain a good impression. Being late was not the way to do it.
Her car's windows were frosted over and the handle was cold on her bare hands. She prayed that the engine wasn't frozen over.
Her car was very possibly the worst car in existence. And that's not an exaggeration. It was an old 1980 something rust colored Cadillac. None of the windows rolled down (or up, which is why the right back one was covered in duct tape) and two of the doors didn't open from the inside. The other two didn't open from the outside. It didn't have ac or heat and it barely accelerated above 60mph. Still, it was the only transportation she had other than the city bus, and right now she needed it to work.
She quickly got inside and turned the key in the ignition.
The car made a pathetic sputtering sound and then went silent.
"No, no, no..." Allison muttered, "come on car... Start!"
She turned the key again and got the same result.
"Ugh! Come on!" She banged her head on the steering wheel, "whyyy??"
Desperately, she turned the key again and again.
"Come on, come on..." She chanted, "Come o--"
The car revved to life and Allison clapped her hands together.
"Aha!" She kissed the steering wheel, "Thank you!"
She pulled out of the parking lot and tried not to speed to campus. The last thing she needed was to get pulled over.
Like most Universities, Allison's was a bit lacking in the parking department. And seeing that Ally didn't have the time to drive in circles until a spot vacated, she made the executive and illegal decision to park at the curb. She doubted her car would be towed. Hopefully.
She hurried into the Classroom Building and down the hall to Brady's room.
Outside the door she fixed her hair, straightened, and walked in as casually as possible.
Quietly she found her seat and checked the time. Two minutes to spare.
Brady started the lecture and Ally tried to pay attention, she really did, but with her laptop open it was hard not to be distracted.
"London huh?" The girl behind her whispered.
She closed the tab and turned around sheepishly.
"I swear I usually take notes..." She assured the girl.
"Don't we all?" The girl said knowingly, turning her attention back to the front of the room.
Allison turned back around and rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed. Maybe she really should be taking notes, but honestly, that girl had no business watching over shoulder.
She reopened the tab.
She felt a little bit like she was counting her chickens before they hatched, but it was good to be prepared right? Looking for apartments might be a little premature, but if she got the internship, she wanted to be prepared!
She starred a small flat in downtown London. It was a little bit pricey, but as far as London flats go, it wasn't bad. And it was perfect for a newly married couple (AKA, her and Logan.). 
Speaking of her and Logan, she needed to plan a wedding! She needed a dress, and a color scheme, and a venue... She pulled up a new tab and opened Pinterest. What better place to find wedding ideas than the idea website itself?  
She glanced behind her quickly to see if the nosy girl was still watching her. 
She wasn't. 
What should she look for first? The dress? The cake? Instead of deciding on one, Allison opted for the simpler option and typed "wedding" into the search bar. Millions of results popped up and ally tried to hide her giddiness. 
She was getting married.
She had been dreaming about this for her entire life, and now it was finally happening! She couldn't be more excited. And she knew her mom would be completely thrilled as well. If anyone wanted her to get married more than she herself did, it was her mother. She was constantly asking Ally who she was dating and if it was serious and if she was bringing anyone home for the holidays. Before now, Allison had dreaded the calls and the answer had always been no, but now Ally was anxiously waiting for her mother's call so she could finally say yes. 
"--and don't forget to go over the lecture notes. Your final is up, so you can take it whenever you feel ready." Professor Brady said.
Allison looked around and saw her fellow classmates packing up. Class was already over? She really had been distracted.
"Merry Christmas!" Professor Brady said as the students filed out of the classroom.
Ally shoved her laptop into her backpack and headed for the door.
"Merry Christmas Brady." She said to her professor with a smile.
"Oh Allison," He stopped her, "Do you have a minute?"
To talk about the internship? Yes she had a minute.
"Of course!" She struggled to hide her excitement.
"Well, I was talking to the internship supervisor over in London, and they wanted me to be the one to give you this." He handed her a plain white envelope.
"What is it?" Ally asked, taking the envelope with shaky hands.
"You'll see..." Her professor grinned.
It had to be an acceptance letter. It had to be. 
"Should I open it now?" She asked.
"If you want to." Brady said with a shrug.
Carefully Ally tore open the envelope.
Ms. Carter, we were very impressed with your application... Blah blah blah... thank you for submitting.... Blah blah... We are pleased to inform you that after careful review, we have accepted--
"I got it!!!!" Allison squealed, no longer able to hold in her exhilaration, "I got the internship!!!"
Impulsively she hugged her professor. He stiffened and she backed away sheepishly. 
"heh... sorry..." She mumbled.
"No harm done." Brady smiled, "They'll be expecting your acceptance letter sooner rather than later, so make sure to get on that."
"Oh I will!" She told him giddily, "Thank you thank you thank you!!"
"Don't thank me," He grinned, "You're the one that did all the work."
She smiled widely back at him, "Well thank you for helping. I really couldn't have done it without you."
"You're welcome." He said and then shooed her out of the room, "Now get out of here, I have a class to prepare for and you have a letter to write." 
"Yes I do." She smiled and saluted him with the letter as she exited the classroom. 
As soon as she was in her car (which hadn't been towed, thankfully) she let out the exited scream she had been holding in.
"I got in!! I got In!!!" She bounced in her seat, "I'm so happy!!!"
She looked out the window and made eye contact with a concerned looking boy in the parking lot.
That was awkward. 
She coughed and straightened, awkwardly waving at the boy who looked away quickly.
Normally the embarrassment from that situation would have made her lose sleep for seven years, but right now, she was too excited to care.
Her car started on the first try, which was a miracle, and she looked at the time. 
She still had twenty minutes until she had to be in the library for tutoring, but it never hurt to be early. Plus it would take a lot of time to find a parking spot anyway. 
She couldn't believe she actually got the internship. She knew she would, but now that she had... She was just sooo excited!! She couldn't wait to tell Logan the good news. This time next year, they could be living in London permanently. A new place, anew job, and her amazing husband by her side for the rest of her life. Everything was going to be perfect.

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