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"Yep. We're gonna have to keep her here for a day or two." The mechanic who had towed Allison's car informed them, "It's not just your battery. When's the last time you had your engine checked?"

Allison didn't want to admit that in all her years of owning her car she had actually never had the engine checked, but she figured whoever owned it before her probably had.

"Um it's been awhile..." She mumbled.

"Hm." The mechanic said, "Yeah It's got some problems. Nothing too serious, but it will take a little while to fix."

"But I'm supposed to be home tonight!" Ally said, exasperatedly.

"But we don't mind staying here for a while while you fix the car." Rory interjected and shot Ally a look.

She made a pouty face and then looked down.

"Is there a hotel or something around here where we can stay?" Rory asked the mechanic.

"No hotel." He said, "But there's a little inn on the corner of center and main that you could try. It's not very big, but it's something."

"Thank you." Rory said and scribbled his number on the back of a card, "Will you give a call when she's finished?"

"Sure thing." The mechanic pocketed the car. "Should only take a day or two."

"Thats--" Ally started to say ridiculous, but Rory cut her off.

"That's perfect. Thank you so much." He took Ally's hand and guided her out of the mechanic shop.

As soon as they were outside, she wrenched her hand away. 

"That's so stupid!" She said, "Why can't he just jump the battery and let us on our way?"

"Because he wants to fix your car Ally!" Rory explained, "It needs to be fixed sooner or later, so it might as well be now."

Ally mumbled something incoherent under her breath and Rory frowned.

"Can you at least try to find the silver lining?" He asked, "Look at it this way, now we only have to pretend for four days instead of six!"

"Yeah!" Ally said, "And now I have to call my mom and tell her we aren't coming today. She's going to think I'm lying!"

"Then let her think so!" Rory said, "Once we get there, we'll explain it and she'll feel awful for ever doubting you."

"Fine." Ally said, "But the inn better not be trashy or I'll be really upset."

Rory laughed and the two of them started down the sidewalk. When they reached the inn, Ally was pleasantly surprised.

It was a tall brick Victorian style house complete with ginger-breading and a tower. The yard was beautifully manicured and like the house, the evergreen hedges were covered in Christmas lights.

"Doesn't look trashy to me." Rory noted as they walked inside. 

The inside was as beautiful as the outside with all wood flooring and furniture. It was tastefully festive and Christmas music played quietly in a distant room.

A stocky white haired woman waddled quickly into the room.

"Hello!" She said with a massive smile, "How can I help you two?"

"Hi," Rory smiled at her, "We need a couple rooms if there are any available."

"Of course!" The woman said happily, "My name is Mary. Please follow me to my office."

Rory turned to grin at Allison who was staring at the woman with her eyebrows raised.

"She's very enthusiastic." She observed as they followed Mary down the hallway.

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