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"--and then he had the audacity to wink at me!!" Allison complained to her boyfriend, Logan, as they drove to Pierre's french restaurant.

"He sounds a little immature." Logan commented, "Like the guys from my high school."

"Right??" Ally cried, "It was ridiculous!"

"Well, At least it's almost over." Logan shrugged.

"Yeah I guess so." Ally sighed.

Logan pulled the car into the restaurant's parking lot and turned off the car.

"Well," He said taking a deep breath, "We're here."

They both sat silently looking at each other for a minute before Logan cleared his throat and opened his door. 

Ally stayed in her seat and waited for him to come around to open her door.

This is why she loved Logan. He was a perfect gentleman. Always opening doors for her, giving her his arm, complimenting her. And he didn't try to rush things. He hadn't even kissed her until weeks after they were official. Everything he did was to make sure Ally was comfortable. He was real life prince charming and Ally couldn't be happier.

"M'lady," He said jokingly when he finally opened the door.

"Thank you," She smiled and took his hand for him to help her out of the car, "You sure took your time."

She meant it as a joke, but Logan looked flustered.

"Oh yeah... Opening the door. I just. I don't know. I almost forgot what I was doing." He stuttered, "I guess I'm a little nervous."

Aww. He was so cute. Ally would be nervous too if she were about to propose, so she didn't blame him at all. Still, she had to give him a bit of a hard time.

"Oh yeah?" She asked innocently, "And why would you be nervous?"

Logan rolled his eye and smiled, "Any guy would be nervous if he saw you all dressed up like this."

good answer.

"Thanks..." Ally blushed.

"Really," He said, "You look... you look great."

"Thank you." She said again.

"Shall we go in then?" He opened the front door.

"Yes. Lets." She agreed.

"Reservation for Carson." Logan said to the receptionist.

She led them to a corner table and lit a candle.

"So..." Allison said after a minute, "What's good here?"

"I'm not sure," Logan admitted, "I've never been here."

"Oh," Ally giggled, "Well then this will be new for both of us."

"Yeah..." Logan said distractedly.

"So...." Allison tried to ignore his passiveness, "I found a really nice apartment in London. Two bedrooms. Beautiful view of the Thames..."

"Mhmm." Logan stared intensley at his menu, "yeah so do I."

"What?" Allison asked.

"What?" Logan snapped to attention, "I'm sorry I wasn't... I was distracted."

"You okay?" Ally asked him with concern

"hm? Oh! yeah... yeah." He said, "Actually no."

"No?" She asked.

"No," He repeated, "Ally, I-- there's something really important that I need to tell you."

Tell. not ask.

She tried to shove her roommate's words out of her head.

"Alright?" She prompted nervously.

"Well actually..." He backpedaled, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes!" she said, too excitedly, "I mean um.. yes, yeah. sure."

"Ok um... we've been dating for a long time, and we've been friends for a long time before that right?" He began.

Somehow Allison had imagined his proposal going a lot smoother than it was going right now, but she guessed he was just nervous. 

"yes..?" She prompted

"Best friends?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course!" She agreed.

"Well, friends accept their other friends no matter what right? And uh they need to be honest with each other."

"Logan..." Ally was getting nervous, "Where is this going?"

Logan took a deep breath.

"I'm not... I don't like girls Ally." He blurted, "And I know I should've told you this like forever ago but I mean we were friends and I figured it didn't matter and I really like you! I'm just not... I don't know. And then we started dating and everything was going so fast and I--"

"Going fast?" Ally interrupted, "you didn't even kiss me until after we were official!"

"And I'm trying to explain why!" Logan continued, "I just thought that maybe I could just... Get over it? Like maybe if I dated a girl I'd forget about guys... but I can't."

Allison just stared at him in shock.

"Do you hate me?" He asked quietly.

"No..." Allison said softly, "I just... I thought..."

I thought you were going to propose? I thought you were straight? I thought... I thought.

"Ally, I'm so sorry..." Logan said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Logan, I could never hate you." Allison inhaled deeply, "I'm just... In shock?"

"I know. It's probably a lot to take in. You're one of the only people that know actually. Heck, I haven't even told my family..." he said, "which is why I need to break up with you now. I need to tell my parents..."
Tears stung her eyes and Allison tried to hold back a so.

"Logan I-" she started.

"Can I get you folks started off with something to drink?" The waitress asked.

"Water is fine I think..." Logan said without looking at the waitress.

"I'll be right back with those." She said, too happily for the circumstances.

"Please don't cry Ally..." Logan said as soon as the waitress was out of earshot.

"How can I not?" Allison asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Ally I realize that this is a shock and I'm a horrible person for leading you on like this... I just... I didn't know what to do...."

"Take me home?" Ally pleaded quietly.

"You don't want to eat?" Logan asked dejectedly.

"I'm not really hungry." She informed him.

"Ally come on," he pleaded, "we're still friends! We can still enjoy dinner together. I'm still the same guy..."

"I know Logan, I know you're still you." She agreed, "But I just... I need some time."

"I understand." He stood and put out his arm for Allison to take. When she didn't, he put it down and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'll take you home Ally." He said sadly, "Come on."

She stood and followed him back out to his car.

Before they got in however, she mustered what little joy she had left and gave him a short hug.

"I'm glad you told me." She forced a tear streaked smile, "you're going to make some guy very happy someday."

"Thank you." Logan half smiled and opened her door for her.

It was the least she could do. It took a lot of courage for Logan to do what he just did, and though she was confused and frustrated and a bit angry, she still loved him. And if she wasn't what was going to make him happy, then sobeit.

This really put a damper on her perfect future plans though.

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