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"You know," Rory said as he sat in the passenger seat of Allison's car days later, "I'm no mechanic, but I don't think cars are supposed to make that noise."

"It's fine," Allison ignored her engine's gurgling noises, "It always sounds like this."

"Yeah, that's my point. I think something's wrong with your car Allison." He explained.

"It's Ally. Remember?" She corrected him, "My boyfriend wouldn't call me by my full name."

"Right. Sorry Ally." He corrected himself.

"Don't be. Just remember that for when my parents are around." Allison told him.

"Right, I'll try." He said and leaned over to look at her dashboard, "Uh your engine light is on."

"It's always on." She was starting to get annoyed with him, "If you're going to notice every little thing that's wrong with my car, I'm going to make you ride in the back."

"I'm sorry!" He said, "I'm just... paranoid I guess."

"I can tell." Ally pointer out, "I promise we, and my car, are going to be just fine."

"Remind me again why we're driving?" He asked, "We should've taken a plane."

"Why would we spend a million dollars on a plane ticket to get somewhere that's only eight hours away?" Ally asked.

"Because it's eight hours away!" Rory whined, "I can hardly sit still for two! Plus I'm claustrophobic. And I'm getting car sick."

"We'll be there soon enough." Allison felt like a single mother taking her seven impatient children on a road trip. Only she wasn't a mother, and all seven impatient children were Rory. 

"We've already been driving for three hoursss..." He complained, "Can we at least stop for burgers or something?"

Ally sighed, "If we stop for food will you shut up?"

"Yes!" He said, immediately jumping to attention.

"Fine." Ally took the next exit and they drove around the tiny town, looking for a place to eat. 

"There's a gas station over there." Rory pointed out.

"I don't want to eat at a gas station..." Allison said, "How about Burger king?"

"I think at this point those are our only options, so let's go with Burger King." Rory agreed.

Allison Parked in front of the small restaurant and they both got out of the car. 

"This will be good practice." Allison decided.

"What?" Rory asked, "No way. The deal was we're only fake dating in front of your parents."

"We could both use a trial run!" Allison protested.

"Not happening." Rory told her.

"Rory..." She began.

"No way." He said, opening the door for her, "I'm going to enjoy what little integrity and freedom I have left."

"Fine." She walked into the restaurant and Rory followed her.

"How can I help you?" Greeted a very unenthusiastic teenager from behind the counter.

"Um Hi..." Ally said, skimming over the menu, "I want the number five meal. Medium."

The teen typed on his screen and then turned to Rory.

"Same." Rory said, "But I want onion rings instead of fries. And make it a large. Please."

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