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"So you're a Lawyer with a degree in medicine?" Ally asked, sitting next to Logan (the new Logan) on a kitchen bar stool.

They had just finished their meal, which was fantastic by the way. He had prepared it himself, a creamy pasta, while Ally threw together a mismatched salad. Apparently it was his parents that owned the inn and despite the fact that he was very busy with his job, He still found time to help out. He was a really relaxed guy and Ally was already very comfortable around him.

"Yep." He said, "I switched my major a million times though before I got into law school, so I'm pretty well rounded."

Ally smiled. This guy was perfect. He was polite, he dressed well, he was never overly sarcastic. He was everything Ally had always wanted. 

"So what brings you out here anyway?" Logan asked, taking her plate and making his way over to the sink to wash it.

"I'm visiting my parents and my sister in Cavendale." Ally explained, "But like I said, our car broke down, and it's going to be another day or two before they can properly fix it."

"'Our' as in you and Rob?" Logan asked.

"Rory." Ally corrected, "And yes."

"Rory, sorry." Logan finished washing the dishes and then sat back down next to her, "Cavendale isn't too far away, I could drive you."

"Oh no." Ally dismissed him, "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking." Logan pointed out, "I'm offering."

"Still. Won't your parents be upset that you're leaving days before Christmas?" She wondered.

"My parents?" He asked, "Now way. They're in Bora Bora right now. I don't think they care where I spend my Christmas."

"Don't they own this inn?" Ally asked, getting progressively more confused.

"Yeah." Logan said, "They're rarely here though. Mary is the one that takes care of the place."

"Oh." Ally said, "So if you're parents aren't here and you live in the city, why are you here?"

 "I don't know." He shrugged, "I had some time off work and I wanted to get out of the city. I would've joined my parents, but I don't think they'd appreciate me crashing their vacation. This is the only place that's really felt like home."

"Well then surely you want to stay here for Christmas." Ally noted.

"I will," He said, "Christmas isn't for another week, I can easily drive you home and then be back in a day."

Ally felt sheepish. Of course he didn't mean he was going to stay. He had offered to drive her, not spend the holidays with her family.

"Unless you wanted me to stay." He grinned and Ally blushed, "But I don't think Rory likes me very much."

"What gave you that idea?" Ally asked, genuinely curious.

"I have a knack for reading people." Logan said, "Though what I haven't been able to figure out is what the deal is with you two."

"What do you mean?" Ally asked innocently.

"I mean, you said he was a "friend", but I'm sensing some weird vibes." Logan pried.

"Oh." Ally took a deep breath. She couldn't tell him. There was no way. And yet, she was already so comfortable with him...

No way Ally. This date could potentially lead somewhere, but only if you don't tell him about your fake boyfriend.

Still... He seemed like the kind of guy that wouldn't care...

"It's a long story. do you promise not to laugh?" She asked.

"Cross my heart," Logan assured her, "So...?"

"He's my fake boyfriend." She blurted.

No going back now Allison. Way to go.

Logan laughed, "What??"

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" Ally scolded.

"Right. I did." Logan straightened, "I'm sorry. Continue."

"OK..." Ally began again, "My mom has been pestering me about bringing a boyfriend home for Christmas for forever and so my fiancé--"

"You're engaged??" Logan asked in a panic.

"NO!!" Ally said, "I'm getting there. just... pay attention."

"Alright, alright!" Logan put his hands up in surrender and Allison continued.

"So basically, I was supposed to get engaged a couple days ago, but it turns out that my prospective fiancé is gay." Ally explained.

Logan winced at that sympathetically, but stayed silent.

"So I was basically stuck and then my mom thought I was just making the whole thing up, so now I'm--"

"Making the it up?" Logan asked.

"Well... technically. yeah." Ally said.

"And so Rory really is just a friend?" Logan asked.

"Hardly." Ally continued, "I've known him for three days. I just made a deal with him and he came. If I had had the time to find someone -- anyone -- else, trust me. I would have."

Logan stared at her, perplexed for a moment and then cocked his head to the side.

"I would do it." He said.

Ally's jaw dropped. She had known this guy for barely four hours and he was already offering to be her fake boyfriend? He was probably just joking.

"Haha." Ally said sarcastically. "I bet."

"No!" Logan stood and took her hand dramatically. "Allison-- whatever your last name was, sorry, I forgot -- Will you do me the honor of letting me be your fake boyfriend for Christmas?"

"You're joking." Allison said seriously.

"I'm not, I swear." He said, "Plus, if you say yes, we can leave right now. I have a car and we'll be at your parent's house before midnight."

Allison though about it. This way, she would get there in time, her mom wouldn't lecture her, and her fake boyfriend wouldn't even need to remember a fake name.

"Ok." Allison agreed, "Yes."

"Really?" Logan grinned, "Great!"

"Can I ask why you're doing this?" Ally asked, smiling, but skeptical.

"Do I need a reason to want a real Christmas?" He asked innocently.

"I guess not." Ally giggled, "Alright. You can be my fake boyfriend."

"Perfect!" Logan grinned widely, "Should we break the news to Rory?"

"You say that like he'll care." Allison stood, "Trust me. He'll be thrilled to be out of this deal."

Logan laughed.

"Well, m'lady," He offered her his elbow, "Since we are dating..."

Allison tried to ignore how similar this Logan was to the other Logan and took his elbow. This was going to be perfect. She just knew it.

A/N: Ohhhh my gosssshhhh. I don't know why, but this chapter was soooo hard to write!! Sorry it's been so long!! I promise that the following chapters will be a lot better.


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